Breaking News - 18.11.2023:     3 strong entries..especially Merlin book (by Hurnavich) performed so good!     Frankly it makes Me feel happy when a book (e.g according to A. Morano,     Unicornio is based on only SCCT games) is performing as NUMBER ONE!     2nd rank belongs to 2 Top players: DON and SENTINEL 3rd to ORIONPAX     Btw, for anyone missed, SENTINEL+ ORIONPAX are created by ConRog     C.B Conqueror (by H.Can) very old-dated, but still holds to be one of best!     And as usual, in case of Public BIN books, LesChats is said the last word!     Be aware of that the current tour ended...Congrats and many thanks to all..     Note also that very soon new championship please stay tuned..     Meanwhile, for my previous postings regarding current competition: News
Private Book Champion: Unicornio - Congratulations to Angel MoranoPublic Book Champion: LesChats - Congratulations to Jordi R Centelles!

 Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Unicornio         3772    5    5  1140   54%  3747   89%    2 SENTINEL 3        3770    5    5  1140   54%  3747   89%    3 DON Hercules 3    3770    5    5  1140   54%  3747   88%    4 ORIONPAX3         3768    5    5  1140   53%  3747   85%    5 Everest 300923    3766    5    5  1140   53%  3747   88%    6 Dragon Tooth      3763    5    5  1140   53%  3747   88%    7 C.B Conqueror     3761    5    5  1140   52%  3747   91%    8 CachoSCCT opt2    3760    5    5  1140   52%  3747   89%    9 Merlin            3760    5    5  1140   52%  3747   90%   10 LesChats 061123   3759    5    5  1140   52%  3747   92%   11 Dara Light        3758    5    5  1140   52%  3747   91%   12 Taram             3757    5    5  1140   52%  3747   87%   13 OPTIMUS 4         3756    5    5  1140   51%  3747   90%   14 HCanFree Upd      3756    5    5  1140   51%  3747   89%   15 Hamish 5          3755    5    6  1110   51%  3747   88%   16 OlisFish 011123   3753    6    6  1110   51%  3747   89%   17 Eman 061123       3753    6    6  1050   51%  3747   89%   18 SARI 300923       3752    5    6  1140   51%  3747   89%   19 Black-Knight      3749    6    6   960   50%  3748   94%   20 Africaata 231023  3748    6    6   960   50%  3746   91%   21 Madness           3746    6    6   990   50%  3745   85%   22 Yoruba 091123     3746    6    6   990   50%  3747   86%   23 Sohah 280923      3745    6    6   960   50%  3746   89%   24 Africaata 141123  3744    6    6   840   50%  3742   91%   25 Barnie-Bubs       3743    6    6   990   49%  3746   92%   26 BN IV Raubfish    3740    5    4  1700   48%  3750   90%   27 XLIV Honey        3740    4    4  1700   48%  3750   91%   28 BN XI Raubfish    3740    4    4  1700   48%  3750   90%   29 LVIII B.Marlin    3737    4    4  1700   48%  3750   92%   30 Bot 091123        3736    6    6   840   49%  3742   89%   31 LVII K.Dragon     3733    4    4  1700   47%  3750   87%   32 XVIII Eman        3726    4    4  1700   46%  3750   89%   33 XXXIX SF-PB       3726    4    4  1700   46%  3750   89%   34 Human Kayra       3725    4    4  1700   46%  3750   86%   35 VIII Swordfish    3725    4    4  1700   46%  3750   87% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / XLIV book is fixed to 3740 / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active):Constant books played by various engines, but all entries by Raubfish• In this new Championship, all books are allowed (Private plus Public)        • Tournament time duration is not so clear...will depend on my free time In case of interest, BIN book registrations will be acceptable: Contact    By unknown is required min. 100 games (played on Playchess etc.)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's just against cheating for Details• As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit several books  To be more clear, each other... have to be different in playing styles• Maximum book size limit rule: up to 250 MB (compressed) allowed  As another bonus (for frequent...) I can accept even 500 MB in size• Polyglot (BIN) main settings: BookDepth: 100 / Best Move disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendations• The overall draw percentage (based on 21600 games) is normal: 89%• All entries will consist min. 700 games (mainly vs 9 constant books)  Sure the high-rated will be played each other as well, 1000+ games• Any Private/ Public Leader (after 1000 games) will be titled Champion• As usual, all the played tournament games are available: BN CS XX      For anyone missed, previous postings about the competition: News
 BN19   BN18  66   BN17  BN16  BN15  BN14  BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9