Hello Chess Friends,

    On this news page,    You can read my postings for B/N CS XXI  /  B/N CS XX

    22.11.2023:    A small update: 6 books entered, where this time Top standings changed..    Yes EVEREST is EVEREST again and again Number ONE! just excellent    Note: exactly the same Everest book ver. is managed 3-times Champion!    And latest OPTIMUS 2311 vers. is the new Public Champion! great score..    Btw, I realized to test BN VI Chapmion too, where performed not bad...but    Ganryu's produced overall draws are little high...however no BIG surprise...    Because after checking the source online database, almost all games draw    Note also that Katzenmaier, Kaiser, Scorpio, TR POWER, Zeus plus many..    Are too old-dated (about 2-3 years old), so theirs performances suffer..but    Just fun tours..so please do not take too seriously the latest played results
    20.11.2023:    A huge update: over than 25 books are entered..and standings changed..    Actually the high-ranked ones are almost with same points as before exc.    Sambala managed to be Public Champ..nice! but in next updates we may    See other Champions, who knows ?) Btw, BN XI's Winner: How-Wang is     Played too, sure here the situation is different, GMs lines have no much    Chances..at least under these conditions..On other hand, I'm impressed    A lot by the Top openings books...especially with the ones which produce    Low draw percentages, such as 80%-89%  really just amazing numbers!    Note also that in next matches...as far as possible, I'll pick as opponents    The ones, which are with less than 92-93% draws..otherwise, too boring!
     19.11.2023:     Another new championship started... what's new? in short, via this tourney:     Target to test many books and in same time I picked some older opponents,      Which produce low-draw percentages e.g as far as possible less than 90%     For example, for right now, the overall draws are 86%, I mean not so high..     Be aware, here it is NNUE enabled...you may know, some SF based ones     Produce even higher draws even when NNUE disabled, as main difference     If comparing is strength..at least I can say +200 Elo (in favor for Raubfish SC)     This is true that there are slightly stronger NN engines than Raubfish but in case of     Direct matches (playing itself) to see a win is a dream, approx.10% higher draws..     Btw, I've created 5 books (Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Opal) which are     Based on wins, but almost all openings are belonging to NON-Champions..     Note that exactly same DON's openings managed 7- times to be Winner!!     And all these unbelievable Champ records are done in less than 2 months..     Yes..DON Hercules is like a precious jewel but one of rare, priceless ones!     As same words are going for many others too, e.g just only a few of them     CachoSCCT, Everest, LesChats,Optimus, Orionpax, Red Dragon, Unicornio etc.     Sure there are many other great books which are too old-dated..so ranked below..      Note also that soon as possible more books are planning to be played out
    16.11.2023 (B/N CS XX):     Finely the championship is resumed and another BIG update: 10 entries!     Ladies and Gentlemen today is the day to announce the 1st Champions!!     Btw, if we check more carefully the high ranked players...we'll notice that     All are belonging to same known Authors...what does it mean? In short:     No surprise and as usual same authors work are on Top on Top on Top!     Ok...that's all for now..once more thanks for your interest and hard work!
    07.11.2023 (B/N CS XX):Here is just another new book championship...and what is new? in short,This time the constant books will be played by various engines of 3700+And I have good news, according to new strength tests..all are very closeIn strength to Raubfish .. Btw, all strength results are shared: OpenChessAnd why I prefer BIN books (not CTG) you can read at: GOI chess forumMeanwhile, some notes about my created new 9 constant books, they areBased on SCCT book tour games, mostly contain Grandmasters openingsExc. two books, which are tuned to prefer engine openings. XLIVBN IVE.g the other rest constant books are totally based on GMs opening linesIf I am going to give as one more example, VIII book is based on CS VIIIgOr Human book is tuned to prefer the played openings of CS Human-Like In other words, via creation my constant books is that to stress the latestOpening books, because it's too boring only to see C65, C54, A28, right ?)And just in case of direct matches... then may appear too many doubles..But via current testing system way: forget about appearing many doubles!Plus under these cond...it's much better...at least we will have chances toSee which are best books in overall openings...only TREND not enough !Note also that the current competition is already paused (for a week) butAfter 15.11.2023 date: I hope to see and test many opening books as well Ok, friends.. that's all for now...more info soon...wishing good luck to all )