Regatta Report 2004 - Don Lees


To Geoff, committee members, Compass yacht Owners & crews,

Welcome to the 2004 Compass Regatta. I am disappointed I was unable to be in Sydney for the event, especially to catch up with old friends like Don France who kindly volunteered to lend me his “As New” Compass 28 for the event. Many thanks Don, maybe next year. Anyhow I am sure after owning the good ship ”Hellangone” since you purchased her new from us back in 74 you would be more proficient in sailing her than me. I was surprised, but honoured that the Shield I made for the event was given title after me and I thank you all for your gratitude. I would also especially like to thank Geoff, his wife Lynne and the committee for the rekindling of the Compass Yacht vessels and this Regatta. To organise such an event these days takes an enormous amount of time. Not forgetting the problems with Insurance and risk management of the event.

Compass Yachts Annual Regattas were very prominent in the 70’s and were run in conjunction with Sydney based yacht clubs, such as MHYC, RPAYC, Sydney Amateur Sailing Club and of course our home club PHOYC. Racing was generally over two days of a long weekend. There were two divisions with spinnakers and without spinnakers but poled out headsails were allowed. There was good friendly racing. Well, you know how it is once a similar type of boat ranges alongside of you on a work. There was also some very good skippers and crews, including an all girl crewed Compass 28 one year. Which during the 70’s was a little unusual. Consequently the macho influence prevailed and they were jokingly given Department of Transport “P” plates to display on their vessel. They took it all in the spirit of the event and displayed them on the stern of their yacht for the entire series. If I recall they had flashes of brilliance but did not figure among the top placings. But they did receive a special prize.

There has always been the age-old discussion among Compass 28 and 29 owners about the faster of the two vessels. I believe this was settled when one of our consecutive winners David Warren first won the event in his Compass 28 “Spindrift” and the following year (I think) in his Compass 29 “Spindrift II” So I really believe it gets down to skill of the skipper, proficiency of the crew and the luck you have around the course.

In closing I would like to wish all participating skippers and their crews the best of luck and to the winner ……… be mindfull that their will be a definite challenge from Queensland next year.

Good sailing

Don Lees