Installation of Brown St, St Ann St & Exeter St Cycleway Sept 2020

Works to install the  new cycle lane Brown Street, St. Ann Street and Exeter Street will commence during week beginning the 21//09/2020. The plans below show the final proposals that will be implemented. 

General Information 

Wiltshire Council will shortly be installing a cycle lane along Brown Street, St. Ann Street and Exeter Street. The cycle lane is intended to provide an improved route linking the city centre into the existing shared use path that runs to Salisbury District Hospital. A plan showing the overall route to Salisbury District Hospital can be viewed on the council’s website –  The proposed cycle route along Brown Street, St. Ann Street and Exeter Street is being funded using monies allocated to the council through Tranche 1 of the Governments’ Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF). The ETAF was setup to help local highway authorities introduce cycling and walking schemes to aide social distancing following the easing of Coronavirus lockdown measures. One of the Governments’ key criteria for ETAF Tranche 1 schemes was that they had to provide improved cycle facilities along high frequency public transport routes. This was to help address passenger capacity issues on buses in light of social distancing requirements. As you will likely be aware the Salisbury R1 service runs along Brown Street, St. Ann Street and Exeter Street on a 10 minute frequency. It was on this basis the proposed cycle was put forward and allocated funding. More information about the ETAF can be found on 

The proposed cycle lane will allow cyclists to travel in a southerly direction between Winchester Street and Exeter Street Roundabout. The cycle lane will in the main be segregated from other traffic. The segregation will be achieved by the installation of cycle lane separator poles along the length of the route. Existing dropped kerb accesses to off street parking areas and driveways will be will not be affected by the proposals. Plans showing the council’s proposals can be viewed below. 

Implementation of the cycle lane will commence during week beginning 21st September 2020. The works to implement the scheme will be undertaken by the council’s highway’s contractor, Ringway. Most of the works will be undertaken in the evening to minimise disruption to traffic flow in the city centre. Works will start onsite at 6.00pm. Nosier activities, such as the installation of the cycle lane separator poles, will be undertaken between 6.00am and 10.00pm. Works that can be undertaken without significant disruption to traffic flow, such as the erection of signs, will be undertaken during the daytime between the hours of 8,00am and 4.00pm. 

The cycle lane is being introduced on a temporary basis and will be in place for a minimum of 12 months following which a decision will be made as to whether the cycle lane will be kept on a permanent basis. During the 12 month period you may submit comments on the scheme in writing to the council (via the email address ). Any comments received will be taken into account in deciding whether the cycle lane will be kept on a permanent basis.