Local Cycle Routes

Cycle routes in Salisbury

Salisbury and Wilton cycle map

This map (2008 edition) gives you all the cycle routes and short cuts through the city.  There are a few routes such as those to the schools in Laverstock, from Harnham to the sports gound in Netherhampton and from Old Sarum to the Salisbury football club.

The Golden Way

This 7 mile/11km circular route all around the city of Salisbury provides links between housing areas, schools, shopping areas, parks and other city amenities.  Much of it is traffic free and the on-road sections are traffic-calmed, making it suitable for families to use. You can use it to access National Cycle Network Routes 24 and 45 from where you live. 

Sustrans National Cycle Network 24

Connects Bath through Radstock and Frome in Somerset, then Warminster and Salisbury in Wiltshire, to Southampton.

Sustrans National Route 45

Connects Salisbury in Wiltshire with Chester in Cheshire, via Swindon, Cirencester, Gloucester, Worcester and Whitchurch.

Wiltshire cycle routes

Find out about many of the identified cycle routes in Wiltshire