
Wiltshire Council LTP4

***Consultation closes Fri 24/1/2025***


There is an important consultation currently taking place on Wiltshire Council's Local Transport Plan (also known as LTP4). This considers the aspirations for transport in the county for the period to 2038. 

It is important that as many people as possible respond to this in order to get the message across about the priority which should be given to active travel and the importance of reducing transport's carbon footprint.  

COGS have been working with members of the Wiltshire Climate Alliance to look at LTP4 - a complex set of documents and a rather unhelpful consultation framework available at  A briefing on comments you might wish to make has been produced, available at this link. Please take a look at this, and respond by Friday if you can, every response helps!

Pedal for the Stars

20th-24th September 2025

We have been asked to pass on details of the ride to Paris in aid of the STARS appeal at SDH which is taking place in September.  For more details see the poster below, or visit the website  From the website it is also possible to register for a free information evening to find out more on Monday Feb 10th. 

Further information about other challenge events in support of STARS can be found on their 2025 leaflet.  

Salisbury cycle path built in direct path of Zebra crossing pole - May 2024

The Salisbury Journal have published an article on yet another infamous pole being left in the middle of yet another cycleway, this time in in Salisbury  - you can read the article in the Salisbury Journal  As of January 2025 this problem has still not been resolved.

Hirra Khan Adeogun, senior campaigner at Possible, said: “Much of the controversy around low traffic neighbourhoods is based on the false perception that they only benefit wealthy people living in residential areas. This report not only busts that myth but shows that in fact 9 in 10 Londoners could benefit from these measures - with those living in poorer neighbourhoods first in line.” 

Do you have an unwanted bike to give away?

Rise:61 at St Michael’s Community Centre accepts bikes but may be a 5 week wait to take the bicycles. 

Wiltshire Councils recycling centre also take unwabted bicycles on behalf of Alabaré which are placed in the storage container.

Salisbury Repair Cafe

More than 30 handy volunteers have signed up to offer their services as menders and fixers - all they need now is things to bring back into working order!

The Repair Cafe got funding from Salisbury's Wiltshire Council Area Board to be set up, but will take donations from 'customers' to keep the services running.

It's based at the Quaker Meeting House on Wilton Road, between 10.00am and 2.00pm and the next will be on Saturday 15th February followed by 14th March. 

Bike thefts

Unfortunately the spate of pre-Christmas bike thefts in Salisbury has continued.  Two bikes were stolen from a shed in Berkshire Road in February, and a bike was taken from outside Five Rivers Leisure Centre , with the thief cutting through the lock to remove a bike from the bike racks there.  Do take care when you leave your bike, whether at home or away, and make sure bikes are locked with a good quality lock

Car Share Update - why not join Co-Cars

If you are one of those COGS members who likes to use their bike for most short trips about town and who needs a car only occasionally then maybe Car Share is for you? A number of COGS members [including myself!] are already members, and the long-standing car share club in Salisbury – hOURCARS – has now joined up with Co-Cars, an Exeter based co-operative – to provide access to more vehicles and smart card technology which makes vehicle booking and usage even more straightforward. Joining up is easier too – with no deposit required, and annual individual or household membership fee of £25 giving access to two pay-by-the-hour cars available in Salisbury (York Road and Central Car Park), plus cars at numerous other locations across the South West including Exeter, Weymouth, Dorchester etc. And there’s more to come in 2016 as Co-Cars is expanding later this year to include electric bikes, e.g. at Exeter station, all bookable and usable via the same smart card. More details available in the latest Salisbury Co-Cars newsletter - Click here – and on the Co-Cars website at


Previous news letter are available below - please note that these have been replaced by news that is updated via emails which are sent out periodically.


   Newsletter May 2014 download


Affiliated membership of the CTC through COGS members

COGS is affiliated to CTC, Britain's national cycling organisation, and can arrange Individual Affiliated Membership of CTC for COGS members at a cost of £16 per annum. The benefits are

For further information or to join as an Affiliated Member please contact the COGS Membership Secretary,

  Latest News Update October 2012 download


Highways Agency opens new crossing on A36 at Petersfinger

Fantastic news for all pedestrians and cyclists - the Highways Agency offiicially opened the new crossing on the A36 at Petersfinger enabling a safe crossing across this very busy road. Oh what joy to be able to press a little button resulting a safe controlled crossing.  Members of COGS, SUSTRANS and local walking groups were literally striding (just like that famous Beatles picture) and dancing across the A36 crossing in jubilation. After years of battling and over 1000 signatures on a petition the crossing in now in place. Thanks must go to Alistair Millington (Sustrans), Mike Ginger at the Highways Agency and all those in COGS who have been tenaciously beavering away with Wiltshire Council officers to achieve this outcome.  Read the full story in the Salisbury Journal.