The COGS Committee

COGS Committee

Chair: Hadrian Cook

Vice Chair: Richard Bolton

Secretary: Mark Burfitt

Communications secretary: Margaret Willmot

Membership: Paula Downard

Treasurer: Rob Jacobs

Planning applications: Gill Anlezark

Website and Social Media: Jimmy Walker

Chairman: Hadrian Cook - Hadrian took over as COGS Chair in 2017. He has been a long-term member and supporter of COGS and cycling in Salisbury.  Hadrian would like to see cycling develop both a social and leisure activity and seeks to improve cycling safety and access in and around Salisbury. Hadrian has been interviewed on local radio and has had letters and articles published in local newspapers and is well known in Salisbury Hadrian Cook has a PhD in hydrology and has carried out work at  Kingston University on hydrology and ecosystems, soil science and landscape history. In his spare time he is also a ‘Drowner’ and a Trustee for the Harnham Water Meadows Trust.

Minutes Secretary: Hi I'm Mark Burfitt. I've lived in Salisbury for the past 30 years and I am the COGS committee minutes secretary. Over the past few years I've rediscovered the joy of cycling, using my bike for commuting, shopping and days out and I have become a supporter of COGS' initiatives to support cyclists and cycling infrastructure in the local area 

Communications Secretary: Margaret Willmot has lived in Salisbury since 1994 and joined the COGS committee soon afterwards.  Following a career largely in IT Margaret is now retired which gives more time for various campaigning activities, mostly related to sustainable transport. Margaret has a range of bicycles, including an e-bike, and would like to see a safer cycling environment which encourages many more people to cycle locally. 

Vice Chair: As far Richard Bolton know's he is the only member of COGS who joined before he had a bike! Richard got back into cycling in his mid fifties for health reasons as it was cheaper than the gym.  He worked in the NHS at SDH for 30 years but has now retired and now rides his bike (belt driven) regularly. For the last ten year Richard commuted to work by bike as much as possible. To reduce air pollution, he is keen to support cycling to place of work or education.

Social Media and Webmaster: Jimmy Walker has held a number of positions on the COGS committee.  He has always used a bike as a method of transport, whether he was commuting, going to the shops, attending meetings or using a bike to carry his luggage (or even his Brompton to carry Boris the cat) on holiday.  Jimmy's vision is just to see ordinary people doing ordinary things on bikes, nothing fancy, nothing expense, just affordable and providing independence.  Jimmy has a number of trailers that can be borrowed.

Rob Jacobs's has been a Cogs member for 20 years and treasurer for  the last 10 years and is also the Cogs rides coordinator.   Rob joined Cycling UK after taking part in the 1975 London/Brighton ride (only 600 riders) and ran the Finchley Section (north London) of Cycling UK for 10 years organising group rides most Sundays.  Having had two children he has  experience with child seats, kiddie trailers and tandems which is used occasionally and is available to borrow. Rob rides a town bike (with belt drive) and enjoys day rides up to 45 miles. 

Gill Anlezark is a founder member of COGS and uses her bike, a handbuilt Roberts tourer, every day for errands around Salisbury as well as riding up to 20 miles for fitness.  Gill participates in the Salisbury Cycle Liaison Panel and when not responding to planning applications and consultations, she can usually be found at her allotment, in the garden or on her canal boat.