COGS A to Z of Cycling Facilities

This A to Z provides a list of cycling facilities and suggested improvements in Salisbury that COGS have been working on or would like to see implemented in the future. Please be aware that the A to Z is a working document and many of the projects may take many years to complete.  We will update periodically and please let us know if any of the items require updating or correcting. 


Advanced Stop Lines - These are present at several traffic light controlled junctions in Salisbury, but some lack lead-in lanes to enable their easy use by cyclists.  Drivers should stop behind the box to allow access to a cyclist arriving behind them see LTN 2/08 (page 55)  and the Highway Code (rule 178).  

Alderbury  - See ‘Alderbury to Wilton via Salisbury’ for a history of progress on this route since 2002. There is still no legal route for cyclists along the A36 east of Petersfinger, although the pedestrian crossing (opened 2012) has helped.  

Alternative routes - There are many routes for cyclists away from main roads, see also Map (for Salisbury & Wilton) and rural routes (outside Salisbury). See Network for various potential routes being developed. 

Amesbury - Download Amesbury Cycle map, or view the cycle network (which includes existing & potential routes) by clicking Amesbury (extends to Bulford, Durrington & Larkhill) 

Avon Approach - A useful cycle contraflow between the Avon Valley Path and Castle Street. There are issues with vehicles parking on the pavement and in the cycle contraflow lane, this has been improved with the repainting of yellow lines and the cycle lane in Oct 2019.   Please report issues to 

Avon Valley Path - Part of Sustrans Route 45, a popular traffic free route from Central Car Park to Stratford-sub-Castle.  A segregated path for most of its length, but with insufficient width given the high usage. A particular pinch point is under the railway bridge, and COGS support the proposal (see Maltings Master Plan June 2019) to reopen another railway arch to improve pedestrian and cycle routes here. 


Bemerton - A 20mph zone in Bemerton is being progressed, design work delayed due to Covid-19/staff capacity issues. 

Bikeability  - Provision of cycle training for children, adults and families to provide knowledge and confidence to those that want to cycle.  See Connecting Wiltshire

Broken Bridges  -  Used unofficially as a traffic free link between Churchfields and Lower Bemerton and Harnham, but at present designated as a footpath only and illegal for cyclists’use. 


Cathedral Close  - There have been various thoughts about traffic management within the Cathedral Close. A July 2014 Feasibility Study provides various traffic counts (including bicycles) and a pilot which involved closure of the High Street Gate to vehicular traffic between 1pm and 6pm making it pedestrian access only Monday through to Friday was conducted in August 2014.  See Oct 2014 Evaluation Report

Central Area Framework (CAF) - The Central Area Framework (CAF) for Salisbury makes a series of recommendations to guide future developments and initiatives in the city centre with the aim of bringing positive change to the city and making it a more vibrant, attractive and sustainable place. 

Church Lane  - Lower Bemerton – there is a permissive path through Salisbury & South Wilts sports ground for those accessing Bemerton St John primary school, but the crossing from Skew Bridge across the top or Church Lane needs improvement. Plans have been drawn up, but not yet progressed. 

Community Infrastructure Levy  (CIL)  - Community Infrastructure Levy – one means whereby cyclists may be able to benefit from Planning Gain. CIL is further explained on WC’s webpage 

Community Link  - COGS first produced a schematic map to promote a network of traffic free routes for cyclists, pedestrians and wheelchair users in 1995. Work with the Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership (SAGP) has led to an updated version

Cow Lane - WC are commissioning Atkins to design a route from St Mark’s Roundabout to Cow Lane via The Brambles, however there is no funding currently to deliver this scheme.  It is understood that the Devonish Bradshaw Trust are looking at creating a route to connect Cow Lane to the Laverstock Cycle path and will be applying the Environment Agency for funding. 

Cycle Contraflow - Cycle contraflow refers to 2-way cycling in streets which are one-way for traffic.  There are existing cycle contraflows in Salisbury in Avon Approach, Rollestone St and South St. COGS generally support contraflows, as set out in a 2017 paper.  A request to consider a contraflow in Coldharbour Lane was sent to SCC on 29/4/2020.   

Cycling Liaison Panel - Attended by local councillors, cycle groups and interested parties when appropriate. Discusses local issues in Salisbury pertinent to cyclists including routes, planning applications, budgeting and cycle infrastructure.  

Cycling Strategy - Wiltshire Council have produced a Cycling Strategy as part of their Local Transport Plan (LTP3).    


Devizes Road  - The A360, subject to much additional traffic due to housing being built at St Peter’s Place.  A WC study in 2013 aimed to find how conditions for cyclists could be improved on Devizes Road and/or investigate a suitable alternative route between Ramleaze Drive and Kingsland Road. 

Downton Road - As of August 2020 Downton Road, Salisbury Wiltshire council have applied for monies to implement a permanent shared-use cycle path on Downton Road by widening into the verge. The route will connect to existing shared path facilities on New Bridge Road via very low traffic streets, where a 20mph zone will be introduced, to the Britford park and ride site. 


Exeter Street - Exeter Street currently does not have 20 mph.  Wiltshire Council has recently submitted a bid as follows: Salisbury cycleways to link Harnham to city centre, allowing cyclists easy access to the city. The scheme will see one southbound lane on Brown Street turned into a cycleway and the removal of on-street parking on Exeter Street to create a cycleway on the street while maintaining two-way traffic. 


Fugglestone Red   - Discussions are on going for a cyleway to connect to the school.


Golden Way - The Golden Way is a circular cycle route around Salisbury which links to radial routes that approach the city from all directions. The route is 11 kilometres (7 miles) long and is marked in both directions by the Golden Way logo and direction arrows. 

Green Lane - Traffic-free link between Old Sarum (Portway) and Bishopdown.  Links with Laverstock schools via Bishopdown to Laverstock shared use path and will link to Longhedge estate in 2020 when landownership issues have been resolved 


Harnham Park - Name used for the site where Bookers is located, formerly allocated for business use. Planning app 18/04067/OUT was for 82 dwellings on the site. COGS submitted comments calling for better facilities for sustainable transport modes including cycling. Adjacent to another proposed development, land south of Netherhampton Road. 

Harnham Road - A shared use path has been built on the south side of New Harnham Road from Harnham Gyratory to Old Blandford Road.  It was the intention to continue this as far as Hollows Close to encourage cycling to school, but this is still on the drawing board. 


Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plans - Guidance on producing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plans was produced in 2017. Wiltshire Council have said that a LCWIP will be produced for consultation.

Local Transport Plan - The third Wiltshire Local Transport Plan (LTP3) covers the period from March 2011 to March 2026 

London Road - Limited cycling facilities from Green Lane on both sides of the road via Bishopdown estate (west side) and Aldi to Cheverell Avenue (east side)  Railway bridge limits options further south, but a route through River Bourne  Community Farm and Cow Lane is a potential alternative 

Longhedge  - Longhedge ‘Village’ was given planning permission for up to 673 houses (13/00673/OUT).  The planning permission sought to link Longhedge to the adjacent Old Sarum housing but this was made difficult due to the presence of a ransom strip.  A walking/cycling link is currently being progressed – delayed due to land ownership issues but should be completed in 2020. 


Maintenance  - our cylceways always need maintenance. If you spot any problems then please report them via the MyWiltshire App.

Maltings - There are plans to redevelop the Maltings area: COGS have made the case whenever possible for any redevelopment to include significant improvements to cycle routes, both north-south (continuation of Avon Valley Path) and east-west. See COGS comments on the May 2019 consultation on the Maltings Master Plan

Map  - Download Salisbury Cycle map for latest edition (2016) of Salisbury & Wilton cycle map, showing recommended cycle routes 

Marlborough Road railway bridge - The pedestrian footbridge (Network Rail ref E4/230) at the end of Marlborough is only 1.4m wide (1.2m between handrails), which is narrow for pedestrians and inadequate for cycling to be permitted. As correspondence from 2020 indicates South West Railway have suggested a feasibility study/design could be funded by a bid to their communities funding (CCIF) – next funding round in summer 2021. 

Minster Street Wilton - Sustrans are working on the design for this scheme. Further negotiations will be needed to progress this, & funding. 


Neighbourhood Plan - A Neighbourhood Plan for Salisbury is currently being produced, see the relevant SCC webpage for latest information. 

Network - See Salisbury and Wilton on WC webpage for the cycle network which shows existing and potential cycle routes in Salisbury & Wilton 


People Friendly Streets - an ambitious plan launched in the summer of 2020 to prioritise walking and cycling in the centre of Salisbury will see several streets in the centre of the city prioritised for walkers and cyclists between certain times of the day. 

Planning Gain - Refers to ways that local authorities in the United Kingdom can secure additional public benefits (e.g. for cycling and walking) from developers. See also Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) & S106. 

Porton - See Ford to Hurdcott feasibility study (March 2016) on WC Town Cycle networks webpage. Route options have been discussed for approx 10 years  are still being debated. 


Queen Street - Pedestrianised with cycle access during shopping hours.  Still has the one-way restriction from when it was a road (see also High Street) COGS would like to see this restriction removed in both streets 

Quidhampton - A shared path parallel to the A3094 is being negotiated with landowners, and Sustrans are working on the designs with WC. Needs planning permission and funding, Highways England is a possible source (since this encourages cyclists & potentially removes traffic from the A36). 


Railway station - It has been recognised that pedestrian and cyclist routes to the railway station need improvement. In 2013 Sustrans produced a report looking at sustainable access to all the railway stations in Wiltshire, submitted as part of an LSTF bid.  Cycle parking outside is well used and often over-subscribed 

Rollestone St  - One of the successful cycle contraflows in Salisbury, with road markings and signs being redone in 2019 to clarify this. 


Salisbury Area Green Partnership - The Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership was launched in 2012 and brings together in an informal partnership a wide range of people with an interest in greenspace. COGS has particularly been involved in traffic-free green routes which can be used by cyclists 

Salisbury Transport Strategy - A ‘refresh’ of the Salisbury Transport Strategy was produced for the WHSAP. COGS submitted comments on 23/5/2018: the latest version of this document produced in July 2018.  

Signage  - COGS have helped to fund cycle signage at a number of locations in and around Salisbury in the past.  Currently (May 2020) issue 7134 is being progressed to install signage on the cycle route Bishopdown – Old Sarum – Longhedge (jointly funded by COGS & CATGs)

Skew Bridge - A cycleway has been added on the A36 across Skew Bridge when the bridge was widened to improve safety for motor vehicles. This short stretch of cycleway is unsatisfactory from a number of viewpoints, see report written in 2012

St Peters Place  - Mixed use development with up to 1250 dwellings, adjoining Fugglestone Red development (outline permission S/2012/0814).  To be joined by a shared use path to Wilton Hill: being designed by Sustrans, further funding would be needed to deliver. 

Sustrans  - Two Sustrans routes meet in Salisbury – NCN 24 from Bath to Eastleigh and NCN 45 from Chester to Salisbury.  COGS are a local Sustrans Ranger Liaison group and work with Sustrans to try and keep Sustrans routes maintained and to lobby for improvements. 


Twenty mph schemes - The Salisbury City Centre 20mph scheme was introduced in November 1999, for an area approximately within the Ring Road. A report was put to Salisbury District Transportation Joint Committee on 15/2/2007, comparing data from 36 months before implementation with the 36 months after. The after period casualty rate was found to be 46% of the before period casualty rate. 

Town Path - The town path is an ideal cycle link from Harnham and the town centre and railway and vice versa. Users need to be patient and give way to pedestrians. Could be potential for using the lower non surfaced track in the summer when it is dry, which would alleviate interaction with pedestrians at least for a small section of the route.


UKLF site, Wilton  - The Section 106 agreement for Wilton Hill (UKLF), planning app 13/04870/OUT, was agreed on 24/10/2014. Highways work included a Toucan crossing of the A36 and a contribution to a path to St Peter’s Place housing. A Freedom of Information Request in 2015 provided information about the £846,800 contribution which would be made to the Salisbury Transport Study.  


Wilton  - See ‘Alderbury to Wilton via Salisbury’ for history of progress on this route since 2002 

Winterbournes  - The implementation of a route proposed by the Transportation team is being opposed by the Ford and Laverstock Parish Council and is currently awaiting a response from F&LPC on whether they can progress their own preferred route which requires landowner agreement.