

Refereed International Paper Presentations 

Park, C. S.  (2023, July).  Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Workforce Management: Implications for Its Ethical yet Safe Implementation into Practice.  Abstract accepted for an oral presentation to the International Council of Nurses 2023 Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Kabak, M., Aktas, A., Aydın, S., & Park, C. S.  (2022, September).  A Mathematical Model for Staff Size Planning in Homecare Services.  Paper presented at the International Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology (SEMIT 2022-Sep), Ankara, Turkey, 8-9 September 2022.

Kabak, M., Aktas, A., & Park, C. S.  (2022, August).  A Hybrid Supplier Evaluation Model for Personal Protective Equipment Procurement to Healthcare Employees.  Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (2022 ICMSEM), Ankara, Turkey, 3-6 August 2022. 

Dovdon, B., Park, C. S., & McCarley, N.  (2022, May).  Nursing Policy and Practice in Mongolia: Issues and the Way Forward.  Paper presented at the 6th International Online Conference on “NURSING IN A CHANGING WORLD” at the Darkhan Medical School, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and Nursing Faculty of the KhonKaen University of Thailand, Mongolia, 12 May 2022. (Weblink

Park, C. S.  (2021, November).  Park’s Sweet Spot Theory-driven Implementation Strategy: Making Optimal Safe Staffing Policy REALLY Work in Nursing Practice.  Paper presented at the concurrent session of the International Council of Nurses 2021 Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  Moderated Oral Abstract Presentation Session (Moderator: Dr. Tener Goodwin Veenema, Professor of Nursing and Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA.)

Park, C. S., Lee, T.-J., Lee, S., Kim, H., Choi, H, & Cummings, G. G.  (2021, November).  Optimal Safe Nurse Staffing Levels Through Theory Testing: Interdisciplinary Consilience-Driven Study Protocol.  Paper presented at the concurrent session of the International Council of Nurses 2021 Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 

Park, C. S., Marsiske, M., Yun, S. N., & Cimiotti, J. P.  (2015, July). Growth trajectories and within-person de-trended intra-individual variability to assess case managers' competency. Abstract accepted at the Sigma Theta Tau International's 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [withdrawn due to financial constraints] (PPT)

Park, C. S., Mainous, A. G. III., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2015, July). Comparative effectiveness research and its application to nursing research. Abstract accepted at the 2015 International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN) Biennial Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [withdrawn due to financial constraints] (PPT)

Park, J. K., Lee, E. Y., Yoon, M. J., Lee, W., Kim, Y. K., Park, C. S., …  Lee, E. B. (2013, June). Head to head comparison of udenafil versus amlodipine in the treatment of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon: A double-blind, randomized cross-over study. Oral session presented at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2013 congress, Madrid, Spain. 

Refereed International Poster Presentations 

Park, C. S.  (2023, July).  Safe Artificial Intelligence Controlling Existing Inequities in Nursing Workforce Policy-Building: A Philosophical Stance.  Abstract accepted for an e-poster presentation to the International Council of Nurses 2023 Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Park, C. S., Lee, T.-J., Won, S., Choi, H., Kabak, M., Kim, M.-G., Leary, A., Backhaus, R., Baigalmaa, D., & Cummings, G. G. (2022, September).  Optimal Safe Nurse Staffing Levels Through Theory Testing: Interdisciplinary Consilience-Driven Study Protocol.  Poster session presented at the International Conference on Health Sciences for Research and Innovations at the 80th Anniversary of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 28-29 September 2022.

Park, C. S., Lee, S., Kim, H., & Kabak, M. (2021, November).  Diffusion of Innovations-Informed Knowledge Translation Strategy to Implement Optimal Safe Nursing Workforce Policy in Practice.  E-poster presented at the International Council of Nurses 2021 Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Park, C. S., Kabak, M., Kim, H., Lee, S., & Cummings, G. G. (2021, November).  No More Unimplementable Nurse Workforce Planning.  E-poster presented at the International Council of Nurses 2021 Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Park, C. S., & Dovdon, B. (2021, November).  Nursing Policy and Practice in Mongolia: Issues and the Way Forward.  E-poster presented at the International Council of Nurses 2021 Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Park, E. O., & Park, C. S. (2015, August). Influencing factors on the functional status of vulnerable older adults: A descriptive and predictive study. Poster session presented at the 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research (ICCHNR), Seoul, R.O.K. (PDF)

Park, C. S., Yoon, S. L., Hamilton, C. A., & Cook, C. L. (2015, July). Brief research report on understanding the meaning of driving for older Americans: A Korean’s perspective on two different cultures. Abstract accepted at  the Sigma Theta Tau International's 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [withdrawn due to financial constraints] (PDF) 

Park, C. S., Marsiske, M., Yun, S. N., & Cimiotti, J. P.  (2015, July). Individual differences in case managers’ competency growth trajectory. Abstract accepted at the 2015 International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN) Biennial Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [withdrawn due to financial constraints] (PDF) 

Park, C. S., Marsiske, M., Yun, S. N., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2015, July). A new analysis of change uncontaminated by the learning trend. Abstract accepted at  the 2015 International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN) Biennial Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [withdrawn due to financial constraints] (PDF) 

Park, C. S., Horgas, A. L., & Yoon, S. L. (2013, October). Optimizing nurses’ workload, quality of care, and cost in home healthcare nursing: A theory synthesis.  Poster session presented at the 9th International Nursing Conference of Korean Society of Nursing Science 2013 & 3rd World Academy of Nursing Science, Seoul, R.O.K.

Park, C. S., Gannon, B. N., Zapata, E. M., & Marinski, A. L. (2013, October). Understanding the meaning of driving for older Americans: Grounded theory approach.  Poster session presented at the 9th International Nursing Conference of Korean Society of Nursing Science 2013 & 3rd World Academy of Nursing Science, Seoul, R.O.K. * All authors contributed to this poster presentation equally.

Lee, N.-J., Park, S.-Y., Jang, H. & Park, D.-E. (2013, July). Patient safety education in undergraduate nursing programs. Poster session presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International's 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Lee, N.-J., Ahn, J.-Y. & Park, C. S. (2013, February). Validity and reliability test of Korean patient safety competency assessment for nursing student. Poster session presented at the 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar (EAFONS), Bangkok, Thailand. 

Lee, N.-J., Park, C. S., & Jang, H.-N. (2012, October). Patient-safety knowledge covered in the undergraduate nursing curriculum and patient-safety competencies of graduating nursing students in Korea. Poster session presented at the 29th Conference of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, Geneva, Switzerland. 

Park, C. S. & Yun, S. N. (2011, October). Development of a satisfaction scale of case management services. Poster session presented at the 8th International Nursing Conference of Korean Society of Nursing Science, Seoul, R.O.K. 

Park, S. Y. (2010, June). Factors influencing satisfaction with case management services. Poster session presented at the 1st International Nursing conference of Catholic University of Daegu College of Nursing, Daegu, R.O.K.


Refereed National Paper Presentations

Park, C. S., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2015, September). A new analytic approach to identify the optimal solution among quality, cost, and staffing: Optimization. Abstract accepted  to the AcademyHealth Concordium 2015, Washington, DC. [withdrawn due to financial constraints](Abstract)

Park, J. K., Lee, E. Y., Lee, W., Kim, Y. K., Park, C. S., Park, J. W., …  Lee, E. B. (2012, October). Efficacy and safety of udenafil in the treatment of secondary Raynaud`s phenomenon. Oral session presented at the 63th Fall Conference of The Korean Association of Internal Medicine, Seoul, R.O.K. 

Yun, S. N., Lim, S. J., & Park, S. Y. (2010, December). Effect on knowledge, attitude, and skill of certified educational programs and continuous educational program for case managers in NHIC. Oral session presented at the Winter Conference of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing, Seoul, R.O.K. 

Refereed National Poster Presentations  

Park, E. O., Park, C. S., & Lee, H. Y. (2017, November). Sleep quality and nurses productivity among Korean clinical nurses. Poster session presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo (Occupational Health and Safety), Atlanta, GA.

Park, C. S., Unruh, L., Harman, J. S., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2015, June). Optimizing nurses’ workload, quality of care, and cost in home healthcare nursing in Florida: A theory synthesis and testing. Poster session presented at the 2015 AcademyHealth State Health Research and Policy Interest Group Meeting (SHRP), Minneapolis, MN.

Park, C. S., Yoon, S. L., Yoon, J. Y., Jo, A., Yun, S. N., Lee, S. H., & An, J.-Y. (2014, June). Conversion of Park’s Satisfaction Scale with Case Management Service from Korean to English. Poster session presented at to the 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Park, C. S., Horgas, A. L., & Yoon, S. L. (2014, June). Optimizing nurses’ workload, quality of care, and cost in home healthcare nursing: A theory synthesis. Poster session presented at the 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Park, C. S., Gannon, B. N., Zapata, E. M., & Marinski, A. L. (2014, June). Understanding the meaning of driving for older Americans: Grounded theory approach. Poster session presented at the 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA. * All authors contributed to this poster presentation equally.

Park, C. S., Yun, S.-N., & Neff, D. F. (2013, June). Development and preliminary validation of a tool to measure patients’ satisfaction with case management. Poster session presented at the 2013 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 

Park, C. S., & Neff, D. F. (2013, June). Factors influencing satisfaction with case management services. Poster session presented at the 2013 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 

Kang, K.-H., Park, C. S., Neff, D. F., & Kim, S.-J. (2013, June). Factors influencing problem drinking behaviors in Korean adults. Poster session presented at the 2013 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 

Park, S. Y. & Yun, S. N. (2011, June). Development of a satisfaction scale of case management services. Abstract accepted at the Case Management Society of America's 21th Anniversary Conference & Expo, San Antonio, TX. [withdrawn due to financial constraints]


Local Poster Presentations 

Park, C. S., Horgas, A. L., & Yoon, S. L. (2014, April). Optimizing nurses’ workload, quality of care, and cost in home healthcare nursing: A theory synthesis. Poster session presented to the University of Florida College of Nursing 11th Annual Research and  Scholarship Day & Malasanos Lectureship, Gainesville, FL.

Park, C. S., Yun, S.-N., & Neff, D. F. (2013, April). Development and preliminary validation of a tool to measure patients’ satisfaction with case management. Poster session presented at the University of Florida College of Nursing 10th Annual Research and Scholarship Day & Malasanos Lectureship, Gainesville, FL. 

Park, C. S., & Neff, D. F. (2013, April). Factors influencing satisfaction with case management services. Poster session presented at the University of Florida College of Nursing 10th Annual Research and Scholarship Day & Malasanos Lectureship, Gainesville, FL.

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