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Claire Su-Yeon Park, MSN, RN

"Cold reason, Warm heart, Keen insight"

- Being the linchpin of the healthcare delivery system who cannot be replaced by anyone: that is, my reason for being here.

Park, Claire Su-Yeon., MSN, RN, Nursing Decision Scientist 

CEO, Center for Econometric Optimization in the Nursing Workforce, Seoul, KoreaㅡPinpointing the Best Optimal Safe Nurse Staffing Levels maximizing Patient Outcomes relative to Costs in the Continuum of Changes 

Principal, SECURE Team For You (SweEt spot ConsUlting REsearch Team For the next generation, You)

EIC, Nursing Decision Science in collaboration with Springer Nature, BMC Central Ltd.  (in progress) 

Translator for Korean Poet Seok-Nam Jang's Lyric Poems/Prose in collaboration with American Poet Paulette E. Guerin (Bane), MA, MFA 

E-mail: clairesuyeonpark@gmail.com / C.P: +82-10-6284-9947 (Korea)

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