Editor Problems

Junk characters in right window

When everything is OK right window should show real Malayalam. If you see only some obscure English like characters in there, then your font installation is not proper.

Remember, varamozhi installation never does any font installation. One need to do that manually.

By default, Varamozhi uses Mathrubhumi (Matweb) font. If you haven't alreadly installed that font, please copy .ttf files from font directory inside Varamozhi installation ( typically C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor\font) to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts or C:\WINNT\Fonts.

If you need more fonts please visit Varamozhi Font Cache.

Editor hangs after copy pasting a large text

Delete all files with name containing 'varamozhi' in temporary files folder. Normally, C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. Replace username with your windows user name.

Cannot do Unicode export in Vista

This happens because, C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor does not have write permission due to new security constraints. The workaround is to add write permissons for this directory. To do that follow these steps:

    1. Right click on Windows Start Icon to select 'explore'

    2. Go to C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor

    3. Right click on Varamozhi Editor directory to select properties

    4. Select 'security' tab and click on 'edit' to change permissions

    5. Give 'Full Control' to the Users group.

    6. Click on OKs to complete

Junk characters when copied to MSWord

You need to select the copied text and set the font to the one used in Varamozhi. Most probably it would be Matweb (Mathrubhumi).

Matweb shows E sign as % in PowerPoint

Example for this problem

This is a known font issue which has nothing to do with Varamozhi Editor. Till now, no solution is found. However work arounds exist:

"Install new font" missing from Fonts in Win98


"I installed varamozhi in window98 and afterwards tried to install the fonts. The 'install new font' option was missing from the dropdown menu. my computer expert said that happens when font files are copied into the fonts folder. Formatted the disc and reinstalled win98. the facility was restored. installed varamozhi. Pinnem Chankaran on the cocoanut tree. This has not happened in window XP."




Manorama site appears junk after varamozhi installation

When you access Manorama site without varamozhi & fonts, it uses dynamic fonts from manorama site. Once you have installed all the fonts in varamozhi package, it will pick Manorama font from your hard drive.

So these are the steps you could do:

Get latest version of Internet Explorer. If this does not solve the issue...

Remove current manorama font thru Start->Control Panel -> Fonts. Install new one from this Manorama site. [1]

If it is still causing problem, remove manorama font. Only issue now is, you won't be able to see varamozhi in manorama font. rest of the fonts will work fine..

MSWord copy problem

Symptom: Some Malayalam ascii font characters missing after a copy from MSWord to right pane of Varamozhi window.

Work Around: Copy the text to wordpad first. Then copy from wordpad to Varamozhi.

Virus in Varamozhi notification by AVG

Since the latest DAT file of Girsoft AVG Free Anti-virus Scanner ( ver. 7.5.516 , DAT 269.17.13/1206 as of 1/1/2008), the AVG Free Antivirus Program has been giving a FALSE ALARM on the genuine Varamozhi EXE program. It will be seen as a POP UP Message from AVG Resident Shield as

Threat detected while opening C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor\bin\Editor.exe

The new AVG DAT file has been giving such false alarm on most programs where PERL2EXE routines are used internally. This is a problem within the AVG DAT file and not within Varamozhi Files. In General, You may IGNORE the error and continue.

GIRSOFT has been informed and they have released a NEW Emergency DAT update today to AVOID THIS FALSE ALARM. So please Update your AVG DAT file before Healing or Deleting the Varamozhi Files!

However, since no programs can ever be guaranteed against attack of viruses, if you need to be absolutely sure, please check the name size and date of the affected editor.exe file.

It should read as

Name: C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor\bin\editor.exe

Size: 1.76 MB (1,849,547 bytes)

Date Created: Sunday, July 09, 2006, 01:33:06 AM

Date Modified: Sunday, July 09, 2006, 01:33:06 AM

Date Accessed: Today, January 02, 2008, 08:44:07 PM (Can be any recent day)

With these kind of details, your Varamozhi should be CLEAN and safe!

Actions to be taken

    1. Use the IGNORE option within AVG Scanner to get across the problem. This will ensure that the original Editor.exe is not hurt by AVG.

    2. UPDATE the AVG DAT file by selecting "Update now". They have brought up an Emergency Update today itself which will remove the False Alarm.

Reporting a problem

Please report an undocumented problem to the Varamozhi Yahoo! group as per following guidelines:

Before reporting

    1. Uninstall the current version by clicking Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

    2. Delete all files with name containing 'varamozhi' in temporary files folder. Normally, C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp. Replace <user name> with your windows username. If you don't see this folder, you might need to enable viewing hidden files by Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View > Hidden files and folders.

    3. Remove the C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor if it is still there.

    4. Then download and install the latest version from the left side bar of this page.

Gathering debugging information

    1. If a specific letter sequence create the problem, note that.

    2. Please get the screenshot of the problem.

    3. Note the version and type of the OS (Windows XP, Windows 98, Linux etc)

    4. Always there will be an extra black debug window pop up when Varamozhi Editor is started. Please look at that window to see whether there is any messages. If yes, copy that also.

    5. If the debug window gets closed fast, do Start > run and type cmd and OK. Right click on Varamozhi desktop icon and change directory in cmd console to the one specified in 'Start in'. Then copy paste the command specified in 'Target' to start the editor adding ' -g' to it. For example: "C:\Program Files\Varamozhi Editor\bin\editor.exe" -g Copy the errors displayed.


    1. Send a mail to varamozhi yahoo group with above information.

Getting screenshots

    • Press PrintScrn key (or PrtSc or Print Screen). Now you have got the screenshot in the clipboard.

    • Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint

    • Paste the screenshot to Paint by clicking Edit > Paste in Paint.

    • Save it in your desktop as a JPG file by clicking Save As...

Marking in a screenshot

You can use Paint to mark or write on a image:

    • Click on a noticable color like red in the palette at the bottom

    • To draw a line, click on the line symbol on left toolbar. Start drawing a line by clicking and dragging. Release the mouse button to stop the line.

    • Same way you could easily draw circle or add text