Quick Start

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Quick Start

This book has a lot of information, so it is important for the reader to understand which chapters are most important. The most important chapters in order of importance are:

    1. Meditation A daily practice of meditation that calms the mind and relaxes the body is the single most effective way to cultivate spiritual development. When your mind is calm you are less influenced by selfish or emotional reactions and will find it easier to remember and live according to spiritual values like tolerance, forgiveness, humility, love etc. When your mind is not constantly racing due to the turbulence of daily life, you are able to examine your life more objectively and learn from your experiences which is one of the important reasons we incarnate on earth. When you are calm and relaxed it is easier for your spirit guides to influence, help and guide you.

      1. It doesn't matter what you believe, you can be an atheist, you can be a materialist - if the only thing you do is a daily meditation practice that calms the mind and relaxes the body, you will be doing what is necessary to develop spiritually.

    2. The Principles of Spiritualism This chapter will help you to understand the nature of the afterlife and the consequences of your actions while you are on earth.

    3. Recommended Reading This chapter has many book recommendations and many links to free e-books and on-line libraries of free e-books.

    4. Spiritual Unfoldment The healing meditation referred to in this chapter allows you to identify yourself as a spiritual worker and will attract spirit guides who will assist you in your spiritual work and who help you to develop as a spiritual worker.