Puppy Mill Facts & Videos

Post date: May 22, 2012 6:39:44 AM

Puppy Mill Facts

Approximately one-third of the nation's 9,000 independent pet stores sell puppies. The HSUS estimates that 2 million to 4 million puppy mill puppies are sold each year in the United States.

Documented puppy mill conditions include over-breeding, inbreeding, minimal veterinary care, poor food and shelter, crowdedcages and lack of socialization.

Dogs kept for breeding in puppy mills suffer for years in continual confinement. They are bred as often as possible and then destroyed or discarded once they can no longer produce puppies.

Pet stores and online sellers often use attractive websites to hide the truth and to dupe consumers into thinking that they are dealing with a small, reputable breeder.

Puppy mills contribute to the pet overpopulation problem, which results in millions of unwanted dogs euthanized at shelters every year.

All of the videos submitted are powerful examples of the strong support for cracking down on puppy mills," said Melanie Kahn, senior director of The HSUS’ Puppy Mills Campaign.

"The videos will raise awareness and will encourage people to take action to stop this cruelty."

This video titled "Why Puppy Mills Stink" by Michelle Geiger of Appleton, Wis., was a finalist in the judged category.

This video titled "Be Their Light" by Elyse Harmon of Glenmont, N.Y., was a finalist in the judged category.

This video titled "Rescue Me!" by Brian Bullard of Houston, Texas, was a finalist in the judged category.

Based on online votes cast by The HSUS supporters, the "People's Choice" award went to Jennifer Peterson of Los Angeles, who won for her video "I Will Be Saved." This video also was a finalist in the judged category.

Carmen Ferraro, of Richmond, Va., and owner of Community Co., won for "Angel's Story," a hand-drawn cartoon about the life of a puppy in a puppy mill set to music and narration.

"Angel's Story" will be broadcast on television in Ferraro's home state of Virginia and other selected media markets.