One day Workshop on "Regular Expressions & Perl"

Post date: May 15, 2015 9:52:24 AM

Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is organizing a One day Workshop on “Regular Expression & Perl” scheduled on 25th May, 2016 jointly funded by AiCADD, SIUCEB and DBT-BIF centres. Dr. Acuthsankar S Nair, Dr. Aswathi B. L. , Mr. Sujith A., Ms. Aparna Asok are the key resource persons. This workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to review the basics and expertise on Regular Expression using Perl.

The registration will start at 9:00 am onwards at the department. A registration fee of Rs 100/ can be paid at the spot.

Emai id: Ph: 0471 3216730