
A Hey is almost any kind of weaving figure. There are more figures called "Heys" than anything else in Irish dance, and many of the Heys we do (or could) are cribbed from English country dancing. This page is a jumping point for learning about many of them. Please note that, in the world of Irish dancing, the lines between Chains, Rights and Lefts, and Heys often end up hopelessly blurred.

Angle-Saxon Hey

Arming Hey (from Whirligig)

Bowtie Hey

Circular Sheepskin Hey

Circular Hey or Double Hey

Crossover Hey (from Grimstock)

Dog Leg Hey

Hey for 3

Hey for 4

Hey for 6

Hey on the Ladies' Diagonal

Hey on the Men's Diagonal

Nonesuch Hey

Sheepskin Hey (from Picking of Sticks)

Single Hey (Any hey done in a line)

Slow Hey All Four