
CCSCE 2017 Award Winners

Best Faculty Paper

Bringing Interactive Visual Analytics to the Classroom for Developing EDA Skills

Jessica Zeitz, Nathan Self, Leanna House, Jane Robertson, Evia Scotland Leman, Chris North, University of Mary Washington

Best Faculty Poster

Databases for Many Majors: the penultimate year

Don Goelman and Suzanne Dietrich, Villanova University

Runner up: 10 Story Builder: The development of iOS and Android apps for ESL education, Thomas Jyh-Cheng Liu, New Jersey City University

Best Student Poster

RAM Analysis of Private Browsing Modes

Gabriella Mancini, Chestnut Hill College

Runner Up: Opinions Matter: Sentiment analysis of tweets, Revneet Singh, Washington and Jefferson College

Programming Contest

First Place: James Madison University - Xiang Chen, Quincy Mast, Zamua Nasrawt

Second Place: Ramapo College of New Jersey - Neel Verma, Santosh Paudel, Tomas Carino-Bazan

Third Place: Muhlenberg College - Andy Martin, Adam Cantor