
Instruction for Reviewers

Thank you for your interest in being a CCSC-Eastern reviewer. This page details the process of signing up, and how to obtain the papers and review materials.

Signing Up:

You may sign up to serve as a reviewer for the CCSC-Eastern Conference in one of two ways:

Assignment and Reviews:

Once registered, the system will match you with papers that you will be asked to review. This will occur just after the closing date for paper submissions. The papers can be downloaded from the system and read off line. Once you have read the paper, you will be asked to complete the review of each paper on line via the system. Each paper can have a discussion forum if you wish to comment further to the papers chair or discuss the paper with the other reviewers. This discussion is optional, but also must be completed by the time the reviews are due.

Each reviewer will typically be assigned three papers. We will use your self-chosen areas of expertise to assign papers. However, sometimes you may find yourself reviewing a paper in an unfamiliar topic area. Please do your best, as these situations are unavoidable.

No papers will be sent out for review until the paper deadline is reached. If you have not heard from us, you may send an email to the papers chair to make sure that you were properly registered. Do not register again, or you will end up with multiple reviewing assignments!

Once papers are sent out for review, we ask that you complete the reviews as quickly as possible. There will be an official deadline, and we will send out reminder emails as necessary.

Doctoral candidates are eligible to serve as reviewers.  Only one doctoral candidate may serve as a reviewer per paper.

Please contact the CCSC-Eastern Papers Chair with any questions