Instructions for Presenters
If your paper (or panel / workshop / tutorial summary) has been accepted for presentation at the upcoming CCSC-Eastern Conference, congratulations and please read the following information carefully.
Be sure to review and follow the paper format instructions for the conference. Remember to un-anonymize your camera-ready paper submission.
Due to how the The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges is constructed, the final version of your paper (normally called the camera-ready copy, but we won't use that term) requires very specific instructions to be followed. These steps need to be completed by deadline provided for submitting the final version, usually in mid-June.
Prepare your final copy as a single, formatted file, which includes all embedded figures. Microsoft Word is the preferred format. If you can not generate the file in Word, then you should resort to plain ASCII and a PDF file from which your formatting intentions can be ascertained.
For each figure in the paper, prepare a separate file containing the original figure. The figures may be in any popular format (such as TIFF, BMP, PIC, PNG, GIF). If you don't include a file for each figure, the figure may not appear in the proceedings!
Sequentially number your figures as they appear in your document: e.g., fig1.pic,fig2.bmp, fig3.gif, ...
Zip up all of your files (the single paper file or the ASCII/PDF version, and all image files into one single uploadable file. Name your zip file your last name, plus the .zip extension (
Finally, upload the .zip file to the camera-ready submission area on the conference submission and review system.
Copyright Form:
A hard copy of the copyright form, duly signed and dated needs to be submitted to the conference committee. All the co-authors of a paper must sign and return the copyright form. However, all the signatures need not appear on the same form. Papers will not be included in the proceedings until copyright form(s) signed by all the authors are received. Click here to find a current copy of the Copyright Release Form.
Registration through the normal conference channels is required, and available, from the registration page.
Registration Fee:
In order to maintain minimal registration fees for the conference, there are no complimentary registrations for speakers, moderators, panelists or members of the Steering Committee. It is therefore essential that speakers', moderators', and panelists' registrations be received prior to assembly of the Proceedings, which will be available at the conference. At least one author of each paper must register when submitting the final (camera-ready) copy. Papers will not be included in the proceedings until the registration fee is received.
Please upload all electronic items and USmail the completed copyright form to the CCSCE Papers Chair at the following address:
Information will be available as we get closer to the conference.
Audio / Visual Requirements
Each conference room will be equipped with at least:
A computer projector
A laptop connection to the projector
Please do not assume that there will be computers or laptops available. For additional A/V facilities, please contact the conference chair(s). We will try to accommodate all reasonable requests.
Photocopying your handouts
If you plan to provide handouts at your talk, please consider photocopying your handouts before coming to the conference. Photocopying facilities at the conference will likely be either unsolvable (i.e., unavailable) or at least infeasible (i.e., expensive and hard to find).
Please contact the CCSC-Eastern Papers Chair with any questions.