
Workshops & Tutorials

Workshops are intended to provide an in-depth review of a topic of interest, designed to be immediately useful in the classroom. To this end, workshop presenters should plan to provide participants with a set of handouts outlining the material covered in the workshop. We plan to offer a limited number of workshops involving hands-on computer use by participants. All CCSCE workshops will be either 2 or 3 hours.

Workshop Proposals undergo review, although not a blind review. Proposals are evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and the availability of appropriate facilities.

What is a Tutorial?

Tutorials are conference sessions, 75 minutes in length, in which instruction takes place. The presenter is typically an expert on the topic being presented, and attendees are usually novices. The session may consist of lecture-style instruction, or may involve active learning techniques such as pen and paper exercises or computer use.

Tutorial Sessions proposal review is not blind. Criteria used in reviewing the proposals will include the likely level of interest of the topic.

What to Submit

Workshop or tutorial proposals consist of two documents: the full proposal and an abstract (description). The full proposal is used for the review process. The abstract is the description that appears in the conference proceedings. The format of these documents is desribed in the next sections.

How to Format a Workshop/Tutorial Proposal

Document 1. Workshop or Tutorial Proposal Format (limited to 2 pages).

The full proposal is written in Times Roman, 12 pt. font. The page format is for 8 1/2 x 11 paper, 1 column, single spaced, and 1.35 inch margins (left, right) and 0.5 inch (top, bottom). Include all of the following information, in the order given below:

How to Submit a Workshop/Tutorial Proposal

If you haven't already done so, create an account on our submission and review system. Using this sytem, you can submit your workshop or tutorial for review. If you are submitting more than one item to the conference, you may use this account for all submissions. Please make sure of the following with regard to your proposal:

If you experience problems with this site, please email the conference chairs for assistance.

Contact Information

Please contact the Workshops and Tutorials Chair with any questions.