
Currently, the only member-elected position within CCSC Eastern is the Eastern Representative to the CCSC. According to the by-laws of the Eastern Region, the Eastern Representative serves "as a liaison between the Annual Conference Committee, the Eastern Steering Committee, the members of the CCSC Eastern Region, and the CCSC Board of Directors."

This position is elected by the membership of the region and serves a 3 year term. Any member of the region may run for this position.

To fill in some of the details about what this position entails, the Eastern Representative is the organizer for the Eastern Region of CCSC. The ultimate goal is to lead the region and make sure the annual conference happens, but it is also to represent the region in the national CCSC organization. It involves attending 3 conferences a year (2 for CCSC business plus the Eastern regional conference) and a planning meeting in May/June for the regional conference. The regional representative is also responsible for finding conference hosts and then working with the host institution on the conference, answering questions and generally advising the host on organizing and budget and anything else they run into. The regional rep is also the chair of the Eastern Steering Committee and so convenes meetings of the region’s governing body. This person also writes thank you notes to the host institution on behalf of the organization and writes letters for any authors that need verification of participation for promotion/tenure decisions beyond what is printed in the conference program.

For CCSC national, there are regional reports to submit at each board meeting and committees to be involved in for the organization. Volunteer time in the vendor booth at SIGCSE is expected and representatives help each other with the struggles of putting on a regional conference every year within the 10 regions of the organization. There are limited resources available to help with travel and lodging at conferences where the CCSC board meets.

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