
Nifty Ideas & Lightning Talks

What is a Nifty Idea?

A Nifty Idea is a teaching strategy, tool or assignment that conference attendees may find useful and incorporate into their courses. Instructors are invited to submit an abstract of not more than 300 words describing a nifty idea. All topics will be considered and those abstracts accepted will be incorporated into a panel.

Nifty Idea proposals undergo review, although not a blind review. Proposals are evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and the availability of appropriate facilities. Accepted proposals will be presented in a single session and will be listed in the Conference Program, but will not be included in the Proceedings.

What is a Lightning Talk?

Lightning Talks are short (maximum 5 minutes) presentations about something that you found helpful in the classroom. It may also include a topic, technology, or technique that did not work effectively and why that was true or suggestions for improvement. These short talks will be presented in a single session with a time-keeper to allow all the presenters to share their ideas as well as to have a few minutes for questions. They allow attendees to explore many new ideas in a short period of time.

Lightning Talk session proposal review is not blind. The criteria used in reviewing the proposals will include the likely level of interest of the topic. Accepted proposals will be listed in the program, but will not be included in the Proceedings.

What should be submitted in a proposal?

Nifty Ideas and Lightning Talk proposals consist of a descriptive abstract of about 300 words. The proposal is used for the review process.

The proposal is limited to one (1) page with the format outlined below.

  • Title
  • Presenter(s)
    • Contact person
      • name
      • department
      • college, university, or other affiliation
      • address
      • telephone number
      • fax number
      • e-mail address
    • Other presenters
      • name
      • department
      • college, university, or other affiliation
      • e-mail address
  • Abstract (Description - limited to one page)
    • 300 word limit.
    • If the presentation is accepted, this abstract is the description that will be appear in the Program.
    • Please be sure your description is accurate.
  • Intended audience
    • For whom is this presentation intended?
  • Description of materials provided to participants
    • Please describe any handouts, software or other materials that will be provided to attendees.
  • Audio/Visual/Computer requirements
    • What are your A/V/C requirements?

How to Submit a Proposal

If you haven't already done so, create an account on our submission and review system. Using this system, you can submit your panel for review. If you are submitting more than one item to the conference, you may use this account for all submissions. Please make sure of the following with regard to your proposal:

  • Write your proposal document using the format specified above.
  • Convert the proposal document into Adobe PDF format
  • Submit the PDF document to the submission and review system.

Contact Information

Please contact the Nifty Ideas and Lightning Talks Chair or the Conference Chair(s) with any questions.