
Instruction for Paper Authors

CCSCE is a refereed conference. All the submitted papers are subjected to a double-blind review process, and reviewed by 3 - 5 different reviewers. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register for the conference and present their work at the conference. Papers presented at the conference are included in an issue of The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. On this page, you will find links to information and instructions for paper submission.

Paper Formatting Instructions

You will have limited time between paper acceptance notification and camera- ready copy submission. Therefore, we recommend that you format your initial submissions according to paper formatting regulations provided by CCSC. Please refer to the following link for manuscript guidelines and manuscript formatting details:  The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

*** Delete all references to yourself and your organization. Your paper must be anonymous. This includes references in the title, throughout the body of the paper, and in any citations.

Paper Submission Instructions

First, create an account on our conference submission and review system. Using this system, you can submit your paper for review. This process involves submitting information about your paper and yourself on-line, as well as uploading your paper. If you are submitting more than one paper, you can upload additional submissions, but do not need additional accounts. Please make sure of the following with regard to the paper you submit:

If you experience problems with this site, please email the papers chair for assistance.

Paper Resubmission Instructions

If you decide to resubmit your paper because you were asked to strip author identification from it, or because you discovered mistakes in your paper after submitting it, do not register the paper online again. You can use the conference submission system to upload a new copy of the paper. This must (and can!) be done before the paper submission deadline. Subsequent uploads will be handled on a case-by-case basis with the papers chair through the paper submission system. Do not email the updated paper to the chair, but feel free to contact him/her.

Paper Acceptance/Non-Acceptance

You will be notified of the status of your submission, typically in early-mid July.  If your paper has been accepted to the conference:

CCSC Eastern Papers Chair