Breeding Bird Atlas

The third New York State Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA III) is taking place now, from 2020-2024.

Frankly, since the BBA materials on the web are very confusingly organized, listed here shortcuts to some of the most useful links.

Map showing which blocks are well covered and which ones deserve more attention

Google Maps Priority Block Boundaries

You can use this to overlay priority block boundaries in Google Maps on your smartphone! Follow the steps below carefully.

On your computer (not smartphone):

On your smartphone's Google Maps app:

The block boundaries are now overlaid over your Google Maps. Note that if you exit out of this Saved map, the overlay lingers around (at least on iOS, don't know about Android), so you can do other Google Maps stuff (search for gas station, etc) and the overlay is still visible. I'm not sure whether this is a feature or a bug, but it's nice in any case.

Note: This is a subset of the full NYS kml file available here along with detailed directions. In some of the maps, the blocks have been color-coded to indicate progress towards completion. If anyone wants a subset KML file from another region, email

Link to Breeding Code reference documents.

Created by Bill Ostrander (Chemung Valley Audubon).

This map includes all the blocks, but has a variety of basemaps including USGS Topo Maps to choose from.  By default, it uses unlabeled orthoimagery, but you can switch it to the Imagery Hybrid which will overlay the road names. Clicking on a block opens a pop-up with a "More info" link that opens the eBird summary page for the block.  On the left, there is a button with a circular icon that clicking zooms the map to your location when using the app on a smart phone.  It's probably best to play with it on your computer browser, because on the phone, it requires dragging it around a little to find all the buttons and is a bit confusing if you're not familiar with the setup.  You do need internet access to use it on the phone.  On the computer browser it's great for planning, measuring distances, and getting coordinates.  The search bar allows you to search for blocks or for addresses. 

Geo-PDF Maps (and Block Assignments)

If you click on a block, there's a link to download a satellite or terrain map, both in Geo-enabled PDF format. You can use these maps with the Avenza smartphone app to see your current location on the map.

This map also shows who has been assigned to each priority block, and also lets you request to be assigned to a block.

This printable checklist prepared by Sandy Podulka can be used to mark the current status of each species for a block you are about to visit, so you can focus your energy on species not yet confirmed.