September 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting


In person

Lab of Ornithology/Cornell University

7:30 pm September 12th, 2022

Many thanks for the cookies goes to Ann Mitchell

Next month’s cookies will be brought to you by Gladys Birdsall

Next Meeting

Monday, October 10 (2nd Monday of the month)

Possible 7:15pm start time TBD

Annual meeting and officer elections

Presentation: Birding South Texas

by Suan Yong, to-be former President of Cayuga Bird Club

Officer Elections in October

Nominations: (*incumbents)

  President: Stephanie Herrick

  Vice President: Ken Haas

  Corresponding Secretary: Colleen Richards*

  Recording Secretary: Poppy Singer*

  Treasurer: Ken Kemphues*

  Director: Suan Yong

(Continuing Directors: Diane Morton, Susan Danskin)

Nominations accepted: Other possibilities send to Diane Morton/Susan Danskin

Conservation Action Committee led by Jody Enck

Lighthouse Point Woods birding and conservation work

Upcoming major engagement September 28-29 (Wednesday-Thursday) 10am-12noon

New Roots Charter School students and teachers

Sense of place and resiliency are topics especially of interest to be discussed

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (sign-up clipboard) or contact Jody at

Migration Celebration

This Saturday, September 17, 10am-3pm

CBC will have a table

Volunteers needed to attend this table,

sign-up on clipboard being passed around or contact Jody at 

Financial Report

See Newsletter for details

Basically we have a lot of money

Even after setting aside a generous reserve of $18,000, we have $15,000 left. 

If you have ideas for where to spend this money, contact an officer or submit a special project request form available on our website.


See Newsletter for details.

A few items of expenditure are increasing, including sending incoming presidents Stephanie Herrick and Ken Haas to NYSOA.

With an estimated income of $3000 from Spring Ornithology, which we're not sure if we'll offer, budget is balanced. Absent that, we may be in the red and need to draw from reserves, which we can currently afford.

Question: will we get more income from future trips to Central and South America?

Answer: with Jody planning two trips, to northern Ecuador and to Belize/Guatemala, probably, and this amount is not currently in the proposed budget.  But the budget approval is really for the expenditure part; I don't expect members to vote against extra income.

Jane moved that we approve the budget, Donna seconded.

Budget is approved with about 20 for and 0 against.

Montezuma Muckrace

Held last Friday-Saturday (7pm-7pm)

CBC sponsored three teams:

  Arrogant Bustards: 101 species

  Veery Serious: 69 species

  Shutterbirds: 90 species (photo category winner)

Gladys’ trip at Stewart Park saw some of the following:

mallards, osprey, many juvenile red bellied woodpeckers,northern flickers, speckled robins, peewee, yellow rumped warbler. 

Upcoming Field Trips

Thank you to Bob Mcguire for years of field trip coordinating

Meena Haribal taking over as field trip coordinator

Check Website Calendar

  Sunday, Sep 18, 7:30am-noon: Diane Morton & Ken Kemphues, Meet at Lab of O

  Saturday, Sep 24, 8am-noon: Fall Migrants (Bob McGuire), Register with Bob, meet at Stewart Park

  Saturday, Oct 8, 7:30am-noon: Dryden Lake (Laura Stenzler), Meet at Lab of O

  Saturday, Oct 29, 8am-noon: West Side of Lake (Ken Haas), Meet at Ithaca Children’s Garden

Motus Mt. Pleasant

Club's second Motus tower installed in June

First detection: Semipalmated Plover 

Tagged in Manatoba and detected at multiple stations all the way to southern North Carolina

Reading of the List, by Bob McGuire

Long tradition of the Cayuga Bird Club

Species observed in the Cayuga Lake Basin in the last week (since last Tuesday)

Tonight’s talk:

Through the Lens of Birds: Connecting Kids to Nature

Jennifer Fee

Manager of K-12 programs

Cornell Lab of Ornithology