October 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club in-person meeting
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
October 10, 2022
7:30 - 9:00pm

Thanks go to Gladys Birdsall for this month’s cookies!
Susan Lawrence volunteered to bring cookies next next month

Next Meeting with be Monday, November 14 at the Lab of Ornithology
(2nd Monday of the month)
With possible new 7:15pm start time TBD

Next months presentation will be by Jody Enck
His topic: Ecuador Birding Trip

Field Trips

Saturday, Oct 8, 7:30am-noon
Laura Stenzler led a walk around Dryden Lake
Brief overview: 10 people came.  It was cold. Started at the west end. We saw a wide variety of sparrows, a number of raptors, including a Merlin interacting with an American Crow, Pileated Woodpecker and Rough Grouse. 

Saturday, Oct 29, 8am-noon
Ken Haas will lead walk on the West side of Cayuga Lake
Meet at the Children’s Garden

Check the website calendar

Some new members introduced themselves. Welcome!

Young Birder Programs

For Tompkins County youth ages 10 and up

Sunday, October 2, Sapsucker Woods: There was a great turnout!

Upcoming Young Birder Programs (register with Beth Bannister at Cooperative Extension):

Saturday, October 15, 9:30-11:30am at Stewart Park
Saturday, Nov 5, 9:30-11:30am at CCETC
Sunday, Dec 11, 9:30-11:30am at CCETC

Check website for more information

Conservation Action Committee
Had groups of students and teachers from New Roots Charter School help with birding and conservation work Sep 28-29 at Lighthouse Point Woods. 

It was very successful, with lots of good discussion and engagement!

Next CBC newsletter will have a report.

NYS Birders Conference & 75th Annual NYSOA Meeting was hosted by Onondaga Audubon and Held in Oswego NY, Sept 30-Oct 2

It was attended by Stephanie Herrick, Ken Haas, Diane Morton, Colleen Richards, and Reuben Stotzfus & family

Bill Evans & Scott Weidensaul were speakers

Stephanie gave a brief overview of the conference during the meeting

See full report in next newsletter

President’s Annual Report 

Fall/Winter 2021:
Delta variant surged over the summer
Webinars continued to be virtual
Field Trips happened with masking and pre-registration
Beginner Bird Walks resumed at Sapsucker Woods (except Omicron red-alert in January 2022)
Christmas Bird Count happened with a virtual compilation meeting

Spring 2022:
We had a full slate of Field Trips
In-person June picnic with optional dish-to-pass

Fall 2022:
In-person meetings resumed, recording posted online

Bell Station auction canceled September 2021
CBC donated $5000 towards FLLT purchase
Purchase closed in May 2022
Field Trip led by Andy Zepp in June 2022.

Indigenous Land Guardians in Yukon:
CBC donated 4 binoculars, $540 total
Follow-up from Jeff Wells’ webinar in May 2021.

Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress
Second year, virtual courses, 87 paid students
Net income to CBC: $5841.

2nd Motus Tower at Mt. Pleasant
Diane Morton negotiated for Cornell permission
Installed in June 2022 (Bryant Dossman)
first detection in August 2022 (Semipalmated Plover).

Trip to Southern Ecuador, August 2022
10 participants, see next week’s presentation
Holbrook Travel donated $1800 to club.

Young Birder Program
Beth Bannister, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Conservation Action Committee (Jody Enck)
Habitat restoration at Lighthouse Point and Renwick Woods
Engagement with Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ithaca College, New Roots Charter School TRC (environmental consulting firm).

Cornell Grassland Bird initiative: develop mowing schedule to protect birds.

City of Ithaca: Lights Out Ithaca and Bird-friendly Glass.

Purple Martin house at Stewart Park, with all apartments occupied, two by other species (House Sparrow, who else?)

Officer Elections

Nominees: (*incumbents)

  President: Stephanie Herrick
  Vice President: Ken Haas
  Corresponding Secretary: Colleen Richards*
  Recording Secretary: Poppy Singer*
  Treasurer: Ken Kemphues*
  Director: Suan Yong

Ton Schat Moved, Donna Scott Seconded

Nominees voted in unanimously,

Stephanie accepted role as president.

New President’s Goals

The purposes of [the Cayuga Bird Club] are to further the study of birds, bird life, and bird lore, to foster, inculcate and disseminate knowledge and appreciation thereof, to preserve and protect birds and other wildlife and their environment, to encourage the establishment and maintenance of sanctuaries and protected areas for birds and other wildlife, and to educate the public in the need of conserving natural areas and resources.

CBC bylaws, Article 1:
Provide leadership for the CBC organization to continue to achieve our purposes
Support the ongoing success of CBC committees and committee efforts
Follow-through on new Projects
Discovery to shape the next year’s goals (and beyond?)

Reading of the List, by Colleen Richards.

Tonight’s presentation by Suan Yong: Birding South Texas