January 2023 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club

Meeting Minutes

January 9th, 2023

7:30 pm via Zoom

Call to Order

We will have a very brief business meeting prior to tonight’s Share Your

Photos Night!

Corrections offered from the floor for last month’s meeting minutes?

Last month’s meeting minutes were approved as written.

Just a reminder, everyone can access the meeting minutes on the club website Home Page via the “See Meetings and Speakers Page” link.


Next Meeting

Monday, February 13th (2nd Monday of the month) 

In person @ the Lab of Ornithology auditorium

Presentation: A Birding Tour of Morocco

Speakers: Ken Rosenberg, Diane Morton and Ken Kemphues

The three speakers, along with seven other participants, experienced a memorable birding tour of Morocco last spring. Their exploration went from the city of Marrakech to the High Atlas Mountains, Middle Atlas, plains, Sahara Desert, and the Atlantic coast. Each area had birds specialized to their unique habitats. We are encouraged to come share their experience in this beautiful country — birds such as a gorgeous Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, vibrant culture, and varied landscapes.

Young Birder Program Continues

Saturday, January 21st

Sunday, February 5th

Sunday, March 12th

Locations: CCETC @ 615 Willow Ave•9:30-11:30a.m.

FMI: cayugabirdclub.org/youth

The location is CCETC, or trip TBD. If the weather looks good we can meet elsewhere. Future location may include Montezuma in March or the Cornell Raptor Program

Field Trips 


Birding the South End of Cayuga Lake

Meena Haribal

Sunday, January 15th/ 8:00 a.m. –1:00 p.m.

Meet at Stewart Park (1st parking lot) 

Check the website calendar @ cayugabirdclub.org/calendar

We have not had any field trips since our December meeting but we do have one upcoming this weekend…

This trip will be mostly along the lake to look for waterfowls and field birds like

Horned Larks and Longspurs. It is a half day trip to three fourth day trip depending on the birds we find. Dress warmly for weather with gloves and hats. Bring a hot beverage and some snacks. Bring scopes and binoculars if you have one. Trip is open to the general public. If the weather is bad it may be changed to a different date and will be announced on the calendar a couple of days earlier. Keep watch on the CBC

calendar and Cayugabirds listserv.

2023 Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress

Reminder that registration for the 2023 SO course is now open. This 8 week course will be held Wednesday evenings, March 29 to May 17, 7 - 9 pm. at Kendal at Ithaca and may also be attended via Zoom for registered students who live further away or who don’t want to drive. All lectures will be recorded and may be

reviewed by students at their convenience. Steve Kress is a great lecturer, and

this is a course not to be missed! Many folks enroll many years in row and Steve promises new material each year.

Club Newsletter –February and on…Email Jill newsletter@cayugabirdclub.org

MANY thanks, Suan, for filling in!

Share Your Photos Night! 

Thanks to Kevin McGowan for putting it all together!

And now, tonight’s presentation! In the “old days”, Cayuga Bird Club

members would bring 5 SLIDES (remember those?) to share in one meeting a year.

Sadly, that tradition paused somewhere in the 1990s, when the main contributor passed away.

Meanwhile, Kevin, who had already been super into sharing photographs, started putting digital photographs on the internet in the mid 1990s, starting with scanned images. He got his first digital camera in 2000, and with his son, Jay, innovated

digiscoping immediately. He started putting digiscoped bird photos on the web right away, mixing local rare birds with museum collections.

In early 2004 he created some web pages for the Cayuga Bird Club where people could share their bird photographs. Right away, it was a huge hit. From there, it seemed a natural progression and, according to old newsletters, somewhere around 2007 Kevin decided to revitalize the Cayuga Bird Club tradition of sharing bird

photographs once a year. This now 17 year old event has been super popular ever since, and Kevin is glad to help make it happen.

Warm welcome and thanks to Kevin McGowan!