September 2021 Meeting

Cayuga Bird Club
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2021
Via Zoom

Attendance: 51

Next Month’s Webinar Monday, October 11, 2021
Speaker: Matt Young
From Finches to the Launching of the Finch Research Network (FiRN)

The October webinar will be followed by officer elections.

Slate of Nominees (*incumbents)
Suan Yong*, president
Joshua Snodgrass*, vice-president
Ken Kemphues*, treasurer
Poppy Singer*, recording secretary
Colleen Richards*, corresponding secretary
Susan Danskin, director

Send nominations to Bob McGuide and Diane Morton

Membership Dues are due.
$15 per family
$10 for students
Paypal from our website,
or mail to our new PO Box:
  Cayuga Bird Club
  PO Box 6564
  Ithaca NY 14851-9997 

Ken Kemphues gave a financial report
See full details at:

Spring Ornithology with again be offered by Steve Kress in 2022

We are looking for a new host & a volunteer to record and upload videos!

- Sat, Sep 18, 7:30am-noon, Bob McGuire, registration required; meet at Lab
- Sat, Oct 2, 7:30am-noon: Diane Morton Ken Kemphues, registration required; meet at Cass Park turtle
- Oct 1-6 (Fri-Wed): overnight to Cape May, email Meena Haribal for details. (

Montezuma Muckrace Results:
- Arrogant Bustards: 95 species
- Montezuma Mud Hens: 55 species
- Shutterbirds: 75 species
Arrogant Bustards and Montezuma Mud Hens were sponsored by Cayuga Bird Club.
Shutterbirds includes club president Suan Yong.
Donate to help wetland projects:

Bell Station:
Lakefront property north of Milliken Station is owned by NYSEG and up for auction in October.
FLLT and DEC have been working to purchase for conservation.
Sign a petition against this idea and write letters:

Chat time/Open discussion