May 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club
May 2022 Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 9, 2022
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Attendance: 55

Presentation by Paul Paradine: Ospreys and Overheads: Working Together to Build and Rebuild

Next Meeting is the annual picnic, Monday, June 13, 2022, 6pm, Myers Park Pavilion E (with the Motus tower).
This will be an "Optional Dish-to-pass potluck".
Bbring a dish to share, or bring your own food if you're not comfortable sharing food.
Attendees must be vaccinated/boosted.
Bring your own plates and beverage.
Optional: bring folding chair to spread out, if not comfortable sitting at the picnic tables.

The following meeting will be on Monday, September 12.
We're looking into having in-person meetings again, hopefully with a virtual option (i.e., "hybrid").

Virtual poll: are people more likely to attend in-person or virtually?
Poll response: 11 prefer in-person, 17 prefer virtual.
Will likely ask again at the picnic, to better sample people who prefer in-person and therefore did not attend this virtual meeting.

Upcoming field trips:
Sun, May 15, Hawthorn Orchard (Chris T-H)
Sun, May 22, Shindagin Hollow (Laura Stenzler)
Sat, May 28: Hammond Hill (Meena Haribal)
Sun, Jun 5: Connecticut Hill (Suan Yong)

Recent Field Trips
Sat, Apr 16: Dryden Lake (Gladys Birdsall)
Sun, Apr 24: Montezuma (Steve Kress and Meena Haribal)
Sat, Apr 30: Dryden Rail Trail, Freeville (Chris Tessaglia-Hymes)
Sat, May 7, Hawthorn Orchard (Chris T-H)
Sun, May 8, Cornell Arboretum (Suan Yong)

Reminder: beginner bird walks at CLO every Saturday and Sunday, 8:30-10am.

Bird Walks with Friends of Stewart Park, led by Jody Enck, Third Saturday of April-June:
May 21
June 18
Meet at Cascadilla Boat House

Global Big Day is this Saturday (May 14).

Chemung Valley Audubon Society meeting and program
Thursday, May 19, 7pm
"Lake Friendly Living"
Guest speakers from Seneca Lake Pure Water Association
In person @ Horseheads, or by Zoom
Details at

Open Floor:

Jody (Conservation Action Committee):
Thanks to all who have helped out.
Working tomorrow @ Lighthouse Point, if anyone wants to help.

Donna asks if Sprint Ornithology with Steve Kress (SOSK) recordings are available (for participant wanting to join late)?
Answer: yes, each class is recorded and available to students until November.

Paul: website issues have been fixed with a temporarily workaround.  The problem has to do with forwarding from domain to

Chat time.