March 2022 Meeting

Cayuga Bird Club Minutes
Zoom Meeting 7:30 pm
March 15, 2022

Participants: 46

Today’s Presentation:
The Promise of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System
by Mark Deutschlander 

Next Month’s Presentation:
Peregrines of Taughannock Falls
by Tim Gallagher
Monday, April 11, 2021 (second monday of each month)
To register go to:

Beginner Bird Walks at Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Every Saturday, 8:30am-10:00am (Visitor Center opens 10am-4pm)
Meet at Lab of O Visitor Entrance
Binoculars available
Looking to start Sunday walks in April!

Past Field Trips (reports can be found in CBC Newsletter)
Sunday, Feb 20, Bob McGuire
Sunday, Feb 27, Ken Haas
Sunday, Mar 13, Gladys Birdsall (canceled due to weather)

Upcoming Field Trip:
Saturday, Mar 26, 8am-noon Diane Morton and Ken Kemphues

Bob is scheduling field trips for April and May, check calendar on club website for updates.

Stewart Park Clean up
Saturday, March 26, 10am-noon
If you want to help, please: Wear boots, bring gloves, garbage bags, etc.

Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress 2022
Thursdays, March 31- May 19 (8 weeks), 7:00pm-9:00pm, Price: $125
Sign ups:

Club offered 3 scholarships to youth and educators.

Motus Tower at Mount Pleasant
Approved by Cornell!
Looking to install in June

Open Floor and Chat

Several islands of Snow Geese on Cayuga Lake sighted
Red-winged blackbird flocks, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Grackles, Saw-whet Owl.