February 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Minutes
Zoom Meeting
February 14, 2022
7:30 pm

Particpiants: 41

Tonight’s Speakers: Lilly Briggs, Ernesto Carman, Paz Irola

Topic: What are Finca Cántaros Environmental Association and Proyecto Cerúlea? And how do they support bird conservation in Costa Rica?

Next Month’s speaker: Mark Deutschlander
Topic: Blackpoll Banding at Braddock Bay and birds closer to us
Monday, March 14, 2021 (second monday of the month)
FMI: cayugabirdclub.org/webinars

Beginner Bird Walks have resumed!
Every Saturday, 8:30am-10:00am,
Meet at Lab of O Visitor Entrance
(Visitor Center opens 10am-4pm)
Binoculars available
Looking to start Sunday walks in April!

Field Trips

Sunday, Feb 20, 8am-noon
Bob McGuire, East Side of the Lake
Vaccinated only, register with Bob, bmcguire@clarityconnect.com

Sunday, Feb 27
Ken Haas, details tbd

See Calendar on club website

Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress 2022
Thursdays, March 31- May 19 (8 weeks), 7:00pm-9:00pm
Price: $125
Open for registration at cayugabirdclub.org/Spring-ornithology

Scholarships for youths, young adults and educators (teachers, naturalists, mentors) for Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress.
Application on website.  Deadline: March 7.  Contact: Joshua Snodgrass cedarshiva@gmail.com

Bell Station
FLLT is under contract to purchase Bell Station from NYSEG
Plan is to sell lakeshore to NYS DEC later this year, for WMA
Park Foundation provided low-interest loan
FLLT needs to raise $500,000 by May
They have raised $350,000 and are more than half-way there!
Members who are able are encouraged to donate.

Conservation Action Committee
Planning for Spring Activities coming soon
Get involved!
Contact Jody jodyenck@gmail.com
to participate in Zoom planning meeting

Chemung Valley Audubon Society
Birds, Migration, and Weather Patterns with Dave Nicosia
7pm Thursday, February 17, 2022
In person: Appleridge, Horseheads
Or by Zoom: request invite from windingwayhorse@aol.com

Great Backyard Birdcount Friday-Monday February 18-21
Count birds and submit to eBird

Open Floor
