November 2020 Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club

Zoom Meeting Minutes


7:30 pm Zoom

54 Participants.

Presentation by Sara Kaiser on Cooperation in Bornean Songbirds

Next month’s webinar by Melissa Groo focus on birds of Africa

On Monday, December 14, 2020

There will be normal Zoom Social Hour on the first Monday of the month, where everyone can talk and see one another on December 7th, 2020 at 7:30 pm

Zoom Webinars and Meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm

See for Zoom links

Reminder to pay Club Dues. please go to:

$15/household annually

$10/students annually

Field trips will be on hold during COVID resurgence

When cases decline, field trips possible with:

pre-registration of small groups and social distancing

And without: carpooling or optics sharing

Lab of Ornithology Webinar

Exploring Nature with Sound and Nature

Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12-1pm ET


Christmas Bird Count Plans

Friday, January 1, 2021

Coordinator: Josh Snodgrass

Households will observe separately

Due to COVID, no dinner compilation this year

Possible wrap-up Zoom on Monday the 4th of January

Details next month

It’s Hunting Season

Be careful on FLLT and Cornell Natural Areas

Bow hunting in progress

Gun begins November 21 and ends December 22

(possibly extended into late January on Cornell Natural Areas)

Motus Detections continue at Myers Park Motus Tower

American Woodcock

Common Nighthawk

Blackpoll Warbler

White-Throated Sparrow

Rusty Blackbird

A new webpage at describes our motus involvement and detections to date.

New York Renewable Energy Guidelines

American Bird Conservancy has drafted a letter of concerns

Shall CBC sign this letter?

Unanimous decision to sign

Chat time

Meeting concluded at 9 pm