December Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club 

Ithaca, New York

Minutes – Membership Meeting

December 10, 2018

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Diane Morton.

Cookies for the meeting were provided by Sara Jane Hymes and Gladys Birdsall. 

No corrections were offered for the November meeting minutes. Members can read the meeting minutes on the club website, under about-us/club-business.

New members and visitors were welcomed.

Field Trip report - Diane & Ken led a trip up the lake on Dec 8. Many, birds were seen by nine participants on a very cold day. Some of the birds seen were Redheads, Red throated loon, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Fish Crow, Iceland Gull, Rough-legged hawk, Tundra and Trumpeter Swan.

Upcoming Field Trips:

December 16 – West side of the lake with Josh Snodgrass to see Short-eared Owls, Snowy Owls and more. 1:00-6:00 pm, meet at Taughannock State Park.

Sun. January 13 - Full day trip up the lake with Bob McGuire, 8:00am ~ 4:30 pm

Details on upcoming field trips are posted on our club web calendar:

Christmas Bird Count: January 1

Please join us for the Christmas Bird Count on January 1st! 

The protocol is to count all birds that you see or hear, keep track of hours spent at each location and distance traveled by foot or by car while you are birding. 

Diane passed around a sign up sheet for people to be contacted if they are new to the count and would like to participate. People may also count birds that come to feeders in their yards and report those numbers by calling the Lab of Ornithology from 4:00 - 6:00 pm, 607-254-2473. Debbie Mahoney and Donna Scott will be at Lab of O to answer the phone.

After the count: Count participants and their families are invited to attend a dish to pass supper at Lab of O on New Year’s Day. Doors open at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm dinner. Bring a your own plates, utensils and beverages, along with a dish to pass. Paul Anderson will be the emcee for the count compilation after the dinner.

Next Cayuga Bird Club meeting- January 14 - Kevin McGowan will host our annual Members Photo Night. This is a fun way to see photos of birds that other club members have seen on their travels or around here.  CBC members can have 3 minutes to share up to 5 photos. Send your photos to Kevin McGowan, before January 11. There are instructions on the club web calendar and in the newsletter for how to do this.

Update on plans to sell items donated by Richard Tkachuck. 

Richard donated a number of bird-related items to the club to sell as a fundraiser. These items range from bird art prints to books and CDs to recording equipment. Committee has made a spreadsheet with descriptions and photos of these items that they will soon be able to share with members. Spreadsheet here.

Conservation Action Committee

Jody presented plans for the conservation action committee that include a grant application to American Birding Expo.

Asking for funds to build and install nest boxes for Prothonotary Warblers and Purple Martins, also some binoculars to use for family bird walks.

Gladys Birdsall read the checklist of Cayuga Lake Basin birds. 99 species were found during the week prior to the meeting.

Unusual sightings this week:

Gyrfalcon by Jay McGowan near Finger Lakes regional airport

Hoary Redpoll with flock of Common Redpoll

Bob McGuire and Marie Read presented a program of their amazing sound recordings and photography of their 3 weeks in Iceland.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Poppy Singer

Recording Secretary