May Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club, May 14, 2018

President Wes Blauvelt called the meeting to order at 7:30. He thanked Sandy Wold and Linda Clougherty for providing cookies. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

The annual bird club picnic will be on June 11 at Myers Point. Bring binoculars.

Phil McNeil and Jody Enck reported on the club's trip to Costa Rica in April. They visited many habitats and were overwhelmed by all the wonderful birds they saw. They said if people are interested in taking more such trips they will start planning for them.

The Spring Field Ornithology class visited Magee Marsh in Ohio as well as Maumee State Park and Presque Isle in Pennsylvania. They enjoyed seeing many warblers and other birds despite the rainy weather.

Upcoming field trips:

Saturday, May 19, Wes Blauvelt will lead a trip to Danby, Thatcher's Pinnacles, and Michigan Hollow Rd. Meet at 7 am at Jennings Pond

Sunday, May 20, Laura Stenzler will lead a trip to Shindagin Hollow. Meet at the Lab at 7 am.

Sunday, June 3, Gladys Birdsall will lead a trip to the Dorothy McIlroy Preserve. Meet at the Lab at 7 am.

Treasurer Susan Danskin presented the budget for 2018-2019, which she had previously published in the newsletter. There was some discussion on how funds get moved within the budget as need arises. After that a vote was called for and the budget passed unanimously. Applause followed!

Phil McNeil read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker for the evening was club member Meena Haribal. Her talk was titled, "Birds of the Pantanal and the Atlantic forests of Brazil". She told of her experiences volunteering and taking photographs for two months with a conservation organization at the Iracambi Research Center.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary