February Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club, February 12, 2018

President Wes Blauvelt called the meeting to order at 7:30.  The minutes from January were approved. He thanked Gladys Birdsall, Sarah Blodgett, and Diane Traina for bringing cookies.

There were field trip reports:

Ken Kemphues and Bob McGuire led a trip around the lake on Jan. 14. The weather was bad but the birds were great.

Diane Morton and Ken Kemphues led a trip up the east side of the lake on Jan. 21.

Ann Mitchell led a trip around the lake on Feb. 11.

Beginner bird walks are held on weekend days at Sapsucker Woods. Be sure to check the CBC website or Facebook page for weather-related cancellations.

There are two vacancies for committee chairpersons: one for the nominating committee and one for the membership committee.  Please talk with Wes if you are interested in volunteering.

Two people have recently volunteered to co-chair the Christmas Bird Count committee.  Asher Hockett will be in charge of field operations and Donna Scott will run the compilation dinner.

Carl Steckler read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker was Bob McGuire. His talk was entitled “Across Siberia, Birding with a Microphone.”  He showed photos, played recordings and told of his exciting  “trip of a lifetime” across Siberia from the Mongolian border to the Arctic coast.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen,

Recording Secretary