October Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club meeting, Oct. 10, 2016

President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  He thanked Laurie Adler for bringing cookies.

The club has been involved in various activities during the past  month:

The weekend walks at the lab led by bird club members continue each Saturday and Sunday at 9 am.

Upcoming events include:

The next club meeting will be on Nov. 14.  The speaker that night will be Vanya Rohwer, the new curator of the collections of vertebrates, talking about divergent nest-building behavior.

Jody leaves on a trip to Honduras tomorrow on his quest to set up sister birding clubs in Central America.  His blog will be online.  Modelbirder.blogspot.com

Vice-president Wes Blauvelt will run the next meeting.

Elections for officers were held. The slate consists of : President, Jody Enck; Vice-President, Wes Blauvelt;  Treasurer, Susan Danskin; Recording Secretary, Becky Hansen;  Corresponding Secretary, Colleen Richards; Director, Kevin McGowan.  No new nominations were proposed.  The slate was brought up for a vote.  It was moved, seconded, and voted on.  The officers were elected.

Susan Danskin read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

Bob McGuire was the principal speaker of the evening.  His talk was entitled, Matinicus Rocks.  He told about his trip to Maine last summer to make sound recordings and take photographs of the various seabirds now breeding on this small island. Rose Borzik, who is the associate director of Audubon Project Puffin, also talked about the seabird restoration program.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary