March Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting, March 13, 2017

Vice President Wes Blauvelt called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Wes announced that the meeting was being live-streamed and welcomed visitors both in the room and online. LeeAnn van Leer announced that a new Bird Academy webinar on Warbler Identification will be starting that runs for 7 weeks. Joan Horn provided cookies.  

Upcoming events:

Marie Read has a show of her photographs called "Free Spirits" which is at the lab and will remain through August.  There was an opening reception before the meeting tonight.

The Spring Field Ornithology class begins on March 29 with weekly lectures and field trips and continues through May.

April 3, Monday night seminar, "A World of Sound", Juan Pablo Culasso

April 10, Cayuga Bird Club, "Kiwis and Kokakos: Wildlife Conservation in New Zealand", Bruce P. Smith and Kit Muma

Field Trips:

Feb. 26, Suan Yong led a trip around the lake.

March 19, Meena Haribal will lead a trip to Oswego.  Meet at the lab at 8am.

March 26, John Confer will lead an owling trip.  Meet at the lab at 7pm.

Diane Morton read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker for the evening was President Jody Enck. He talked about his trip to Honduras last November and his project to develop a Sister Bird Club Network with the bird clubs he met up with when he was there.  We were able to hear from some people in Honduras who were listening online. Jody will present some ideas to the club about how we might be able to get more involved with this idea.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary