January Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club, Jan. 9, 2017

President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30.  He thanked all who had participated in the Christmas Bird Count which took place on January 1. He thanked Laura Stenzler and Gladys Birdsall for providing cookies for the evening. He also welcomed new visitors.  Treasurer Susan Danskin said there was nothing new to report concerning membership.

Diane Morton gave the field trip report.

1) Jan. 15, Bob McGuire will lead an all-day trip up the lake.  Meet at the east end of Stewart Park at 8 am.

2) Jan. 28, Diane Morton and Ken Kemphues will lead a half-day trip looking for waterfowl and winter field birds.  Meet at Stewart Park at 8 am.

3) Feb. 11, Ann Mitchell will lead a trip up the lake.  Meet at Stewart Park at 8 am.

4) Feb. 26, Suan Yong will lead a trip up the lake.

Please check the website for further details and updates.

Marie Read will have an art show at the lab this Spring. There will be a reception for the opening from 5:30-7:30.  The rental fee for the use of the space at the lab is $230.  There was a motion that the club cover the cost of this rental which was put forward by Laura Stenzler. This proposal was seconded. The only discussion was that if individuals wished to contribute to this they could send a check to the Treasurer. The motion was passed.

The city of Ithaca will meet on Jan. 11 at 6 pm to discuss allowing dogs in Stewart Park. If anyone has views on this let Jody know quickly. 

The Town of Ithaca Conservation Board asked whether the club is interested in taking over the maintenance of some of the bluebird trails, namely, Snyder Hill and South Hill recreation trails. Speak with Jody if you have an interest in this. 

On Feb. 1, the Tompkins County outdoor planning board will hold a workshop from 5-7 at the Space at GreenStar to discuss ways to make Tompkins County more attractive as a destination for Eco-tourists.

Carl Steckler read the list of the birds of the Cayuga basin.

Tonight was the annual Share your Photos Night with Kevin McGowan as the host. Nineteen people showed their pictures: Jody Enck, John Confer, Suzanne Henderson, Ann Mitchell, Anne Marie Johnson, Carl Steckler, Judy Burrill, Mark Chao, Tracy McLellan, Paul Anderson, Wes Blauvelt, Sandy Wold, Lindsay Goodloe, Sarah Blodgett, Becky Hansen, Diane Morton, Ton Schat, Bob Horn, Kevin McGowan.  As always it was a lot of fun!

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary