April Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club, April 10, 2017

President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30 and welcomed new members and visitors.  Sandy Wold provided refreshments.

Ann Mitchell reported on the field trip she led to Dryden Lake and George Rd. on  April 8.

John Confer said that he is again monitoring the nesting success of Merlins in our area. Please report any sightings to him.

Upcoming events:

4/23 Gladys Birdsall will lead a trip to Derby Hill from 7am - 4pm.  Meet at the north parking lot of the lab.

4/22 Friends of Stewart Park will have a clean-up day in honor of Earth Day.  Meet by the large pavilion in Stewart Park at 10am.

Carl Steckler announced that he and Pete Saracino are planning a trip to Magee Marsh on May 4-7.  If others would like to join them, please get in touch with Carl.

Sandy Wold is interested in creating a bilingual coloring book in conjunction with the Sister Bird Club initiative of Jody Enck. Speak with her if you would like to get involved in that.

Bob McGuire read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

Bruce Smith and Kit Muma of Ithaca College gave a talk entitled "Kiwis and Kokakos, Wildlife Conservation in New Zealand". They spoke of the conservation efforts going on in New Zealand that are bringing back some of the endangered species and showed wonderful photos and videos.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary