Officer Nominations

Officer Nominations for 2015 Elections

At our Annual Members Meeting in October, as stipulated in the club bylaws, we will be voting for club officers and one Director. The Nominating Committee (Paul Anderson, Susan Danskin, and Bob McGuire) is presenting the following slate of officer nominees as it stands right now. If you are a member of the Cayuga Bird Club, be prepared to vote at our October meeting. Please give some serious thought to volunteering yourself. If you wish to know more about the duties associated with these positions or are interested in placing your name on the slate, please get in touch with Paul by September 15. Nominations also will be accepted from the floor at the October meeting. If you plan to nominate someone, you must be sure that person wishes to be nominated! 

President: Jody Enck

Jody Enck started birding about 50 years ago as a wee lad growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania.  Since then, he’s been learning more and more about birds and birders.  Jody especially loves watching birds in his back yard and learning what the local residents are up to.  He also has been known to be a closet lister with more than 500 species seen in the U.S.  He has a background in both wildlife biology and social science and enjoys meeting birders of all types.  He hopes to continue the great Club tradition of welcoming all birders no matter what their interests and helping them feel like they really belong in the Cayuga Bird Club.

Vice President: Wes Blauvelt

Wes Blauvelt has been a member of the Cayuga Bird Club for about 15 years and has actively participated in the Christmas Bird Count.  Wes's interests in birding began as a boy and he has been fortunate to travel around the world chasing birds.  In retirement, Wes hopes to become a more active and productive member of the bird club.

Treasurer: Susan Danskin

Susan has been club treasurer since October 2009, after stepping down from her position as club president. She is looking forward to continuing her work. She has been a club member for a number of years, working on various committees and leading many field trips.  

Recording Secretary: Becky Hansen

Becky moved to Ithaca fairly recently, after nearly 40 years in the NYC area,hoping to take advantage of the opportunities here to learn more about birds. She enjoys participating in the bird club meetings, field trips, the Christmas bird count, and going to Monday Night Seminars. She leads some of the weekend bird walks at the Lab of Ornithology. She also loves traveling all over the world to get to see wonderful birds and places. Becky is happy to have the chance to serve as recording secretary for the Cayuga Bird Club. 

Corresponding Secretary: Colleen Richards

Colleen is willing to continue as corresponding secretary. Besides occasional volunteer acknowledgements, etc., she corresponds with our program speakers each month to assure they have all they need for their engagement. She also organizes the club dinner which honors the speaker and encourages member interaction.. 

Director: Paul Anderson

Paul Anderson got hooked on birding when he took the Lab of O’s Spring Field Ornithology course eight years ago and has been a member of the club since then. He contributed photos to Birding in the Cayuga Lake Basin, and he became the club webmaster and overhauled the website. Paul is also a docent for the Lab of Ornithology, leading beginner bird walks there on weekends, and has been a field trip leader for the club on many occasions. Paul is the current president of the club and is now stepping down after his two year term..