November Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club, November 9, 2015

President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30. He provided the cookies for the evening.  The next meeting will be on December 14 and feature Bob McGuire and Wes Blauvelt talking about their trip to Alaska to record bird songs.

There are no more Monday night seminars for the rest of this calendar year. This weekend is the beginning of Project FeederWatch.  Brochures are available. It goes on for 4-5 months.

Jody welcomed visitors and new members.  One visitor had come from Tasmania to learn about Citizen Science at the lab. Jody also reminded people of the online presence of the bird club both at its website and Facebook, and also via the listserv.

Field Trips:

Wes Blauvelt reported on the Owling trip which took place on November 7.  Features were an Eastern Screech Owl and a Northern Saw -whet Owl as well as Suan Yong's infrared camera used to spot things in the night.

Carl Steckler reported that on October 25 six people went up to Ferd's Bog to look for Gray Jays.

On Sat., November 14 there will be a loon watch at Taughannock State Park starting at 6:25 am.

On December 5,6 Jay McGowan will lead a trip to Niagara Falls to look for gulls and their allies.  There are a few spaces still open. See Meena Haribal.

Some volunteer positions are available.  A co-ordinator is needed for the Christmas Bird Count and a co-ordinator is needed for the sales of our two books.  Ann Mitchell said she would co-ordinate the book sales but there should be a small committee to help with this.  Also people are needed to bring cookies to the meetings.  Jody sent around a sign-up sheet.

People were prompted to share any special bird sightings. Jody reminded people that there are beginner bird walks offered each weekend at the lab.  These are led by members of the bird club.

Jane Graves read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker for the evening was Marie Read. She spoke about her recent trip to the Pribilof Islands in Alaska and showed the spectacular photographs she took there.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen

Recording Secretary