March Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting, March 14, 2016

President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Upcoming events:

3/17/16  Audubon: The Film, at Cinemapolis, 7 pm

3/21/16  Lab seminar, Spotlight on Young Bird Research, 7:30 pm

4/11/16  Next club meeting, Audubon New York's Important Bird Areas Program, 7:30 pm

Ongoing until the end of April at the Lansing Library, photo exhibit of member Marie Read.

4/8/16   Benefit for Stewart Park at Cinemapolis, Stewart Park is for the Birds, 7 pm

4/10/16 movie, The Messenger, 4 pm, Cornell Cinema, reception afterwards

Volunteer jobs are available and there are sign-up sheets for:

  Cookies for the meetings

  Food for the reception for the movie, The Messenger

  Bird walks at Stewart Park

  Sunrise bird walk at the lab in April 11

  Finding goose nests as part of the city plan for goose management

Dave Nutter brought up the subject of  the city's plan for goose management for the southern end of Cayuga Lake which includes hazing geese and oiling eggs. He had a proposal to ask the city not to ban the feeding of geese, not to haze the geese, not to oil the eggs or disrupt the nests and to offer education and research. Sandy Wold seconded the proposal.  There was a lot of discussion and most people felt that there was not enough information at this time to support a proposal endorsed by the whole club.  One person suggested she could send a petition to the city but that would not have the backing of the club as a whole.  The club voted on the proposal : 7, yes; 16, no.  Jody suggested that he and Dave and others who were interested get together after the meeting to discuss further action.  The concern is that any action must be timely because the city will meet again soon and is likely to go ahead with its plan.

There was no reading of the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker for the evening was Dr. Anastasia Dalziell, Strange Tales of a Curious

Bird: Recent Research on the Superb Lyrebird. She gave a fascinating talk about the communication of the Superb Lyrebird.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary