April Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting, April 11, 2016


President Jody Enck called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Recent  events:

In the past month bird walks have been offered by club members at both Sapsucker Woods and in Stewart Park.

April 8:  A benefit  for Stewart Park featuring photographs of Marie Read and Sarah Blodgett and live music was held at Cinemapolis.

April 10: The club hosted the showing of the film "The Messenger", concerning the plight of birds, at Cornell Cinema.   A Q and A session and reception followed.

Upcoming field trips:

Saturday, April 16, 7 am. Colleen Richards and Kathy Strickland will lead a trip to Montezuma.  Meet at the far parking lot of the lab.

Saturday, April 23, 7am. Gladys Birdsall will lead a trip to Derby Hill, weather permitting.  Meet at the far parking lot.

Sunday, May 1, 2pm.  Meet Meena Haribal at the lab to look for birds at a place to be determined.

Always check the website for updates to this schedule.

April 25, CLO seminar.  Daryl McGrath will give a talk about women conservationists called "Alone in this Dark Place".

The lab has new hours which are 10 am -4pm every day.

Three students from a Cornell service fraternity announced that their project was making bird seed eggs to donate to people. They offered to give them to club members and will deliver them to Jody by April 24

Linda Clougherty announced that Dryden will be holding a special election to determine whether the town should purchase a piece of property off Pinckney Rd.

Susan Danskin, treasurer, said that the club has an annual budget to work with and is looking for member input regarding it.  She, Jody, and Diane Morton will send out budget information in a supplemental newsletter.  Club members may send any concerns to Jody at jwe4 at Cornell.edu.  The officers will then come up with recommendations to be voted on by the next meeting on May 9.

Susan read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

Jillian Liner, Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon NY, was the speaker for the evening.  She gave a very informative talk about the Important Bird Areas program especially pertaining to the IBA's of New York State.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary