November Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2013

Donna Scott presided over the meeting tonight in the absence of President Paul Anderson. She called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and thanked Meena Haribal, Laura Stenzler, and Colleen Richardson for arranging for the cookies for the evening. A new member, Sandy Wold, introduced herself.

Treasurer Susan Danskin reported that the club had netted approximately $3,000 from hosting the NYSOA meeting. She said that the club might use some of that money toward a second panel for Stewart Park. The complete treasurer’s report is available in the newsletter.

Linda Orkin reported on field trips. On Nov. 9, Meena Haribal led a group going up to Montezuma but making a few stops along the way. Sandy Wold reported on the birds seen including a merlin, avocet,snow buntings,lots of geese, swans, and cranes.

Two trips are planned before the next meeting:

• Nov. 16. Steve Fast will go to Fairhaven State Park on Lake Ontario. Meet at the lab at 7:30 a.m.

• Nov, 22, Ann Mitchell and Bob Horn will lead a trip up the lake leaving the lab at 8 a.m. and returning about 2 p.m.

Linda Orkin read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin. Donna Scott introduced the speaker for the evening, Jorge Orejuela, a conservationist with the Dept. of Environmental Sciences/Group in Environmental Studies for Sustainable Development, Autonomous University of the West, Cali, Colombia. He spoke to us about the marvelous opportunities for birding in Colombia and informed us about the the International Birdfair which will take place in Cali, Colombia, next February. 

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen