May Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting

May 11, 2015

President Paul Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He also provided cookies for the evening. He welcomed new members and solicited stories of recent bird sightings. 

The next meeting of the bird club will be on June 8 at Myer’s Park and is the annual dish-to-pass picnic. 

Meena Haribal led a field trip on April 25. The trip report can be found on the website. 

Mark Chao will be leading birdwalks in support of the Finger Lakes Land Trust throughout May. The beginner birdwalks sponsored by the bird club at Sapsucker Woods continue every Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. There are also birds and blooms walks during the month of May. The birds portion meets at 8 on Fridays at the Arboretum and the blooms on Sundays at 1 at Sapsucker Woods. All details are on the website. 

Paul Anderson proposed contributions of $150 to the Finger Lakes Land Trust and $300 to the Redheads, in support of undergraduate research programs. Both proposals were presented for vote, and the motions carried. 

Lee Ann van Leer made a presentation about the birding tutorials that are available online at the lab and passed out coupons to receive one free class. Also, three brochures that have arisen from the classes are now available for purchase at Wild Birds Unlimited and Amazon. 

A reprint of the trifold brochure about the bird club is needed now. Paul Anderson requested input on any changes necessary. He also brought a number of magazines which people are free to take. 

Mark Chao read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin. 

The speaker for the evening was Ron Rohrbaugh who is Assistant Director of Conservation Science at the Lab of Ornithology. His talk was entitled “Two Dimes and a Nickel, Tales of the Golden-Winged Warbler.” He spoke of his 15 years of study of the Golden-Winged Warbler and how it is shaping conservation strategy. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Becky Hansen