March Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Minutes

Cayuga Bird Club Meeting

March 9, 2015

President Paul Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. He thanked Sandy Wold and Marie Read for bringing cookies. Ann Mitchell and Gladys Birdsall will bring them to the next meeting. He apologized for having to cancel the February meeting due to snow. Various people mentioned interesting bird sightings during the last month including Red-headed Woodpecker, Chipping Sparrow, Common Redpoll, Tufted Duck, and Gyrfalcon. 

The next bird club meeting will be on April 13. Greg Budney will be the speaker giving a talk titled, “Their World of Sound, an exploration of Bird Sounds.” 

Upcoming Monday Night Seminars at the Lab: 

There have been two field trips since the last meeting. 

Paul Anderson mentioned that the club needs volunteers. Talk to him if you are interested. He also offered various publications that he has received as president to anyone interested. 

Dave Nutter reported that Michael Berrios had received a grant from Toyota to work on getting rid of invasive species at Stewart Park. If anyone would like to get involved with the project please talk with Dave. 

Carol Felton Schmitt reported to Paul Anderson that repairs might be undertaken on the Cascadilla Boat House in Stewart Park. If anyone has any input on that speak with Paul. 

Rick Manning also spoke with Paul about the possibility of the club’s getting involved with cleaning up the paved area near the pond in Stewart Park. There are no details yet. 

Bob McGuire read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin. 

Suan Yong gave a talk about his trip to Antarctica in January 2013. He showed wonderful photographs and told what it was like to journey to Antarctica. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Becky Hansen, Recording Secretary