April Meeting Minutes

President Paul Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He thanked Ann Mitchell and Gladys Birdsall for bringing cookies and he welcomed new members and visitors. People mentioned recent bird sightings of interest including Yellow-headed Blackbird, Horned Grebe, Woodcock, Great Egrets, and Greater Yellowlegs. 

Upcoming events: 

Mark Chao will be leading bird walks each weekend in May in support of the Finger Lakes Land Trust. Details are on the website. 

Beginning birdwalks are at the lab at 7:30 a.m. each Saturday and Sunday morning. Birds and Blooms walks are beginning. The birds section meets each Friday in May at the Sculpture Garden at 8 a.m. and the blooms part meets at Sapsucker Woods on Sundays at 1 p.m. On Wednesday night there will be a talk at the Unitarian church about gardening for caterpillars. 

Ann Mitchell reported on the field trip that she and Gary Kohlenberg led to Dryden Lake and other nearby sites on April 12. Paul Anderson reported on the cleanup of Stewart Park on April 11. 

Sandy Wold has volunteered to coordinate the book sales for the club. A president and newsletter editors are still needed for next year. 

Colleen Richards read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin. 

Greg Budney, the audio curator of the Macaulay Library of the lab, gave the very interesting talk entitled, “Their World of Sound: An exploration of bird sounds.” 

Respectfully submitted, 

Becky Hansen