September 2013 Meeting Minutes

President Linda Orkin called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Four student newcomers were welcomed. The cookie sign-up sheet was passed. It was brought to our attention that this was the start of our fiscal year and that the Club Treasurer, Susan Danskin, would be happy to receive checks, paypal (via the website) and multi-year memberships. Renewals and new memberships are $15 and student memberships are $10. 

Birds of interest were mentioned, including Candace Cornell’s Osprey catch study with photos and binocular sightings. Also, the American White Pelican(s) has been seen over the summer at Montezuma, as well as recently. Two were later reported at the Montezuma Muckrace. 

Upcoming Monday night seminars: 

Vice President Paul Anderson described upcoming field trips: 

It was also announced that field trips will now be posted on the website ONLY. There will be reminder links in the club newsletter.

The 2013 annual NYSOA meeting is being held November 1-3 in Nassau County on Long Island. Details can be found at John Confer has agreed to be one of our club delegates, but we are looking for a second. Susan Danskin is looking into the costs and possibility of partial remuneration by the club. 

The next meeting of the Conservation Action Committee will be held Sept. 24 at 6:45 pm at the home of Candace Cornell. 

Bob McGuire read the bird list of the Cayuga Basin. 

Marie Read presented a slideshow of birds of Stewart Park. Thanks for the contributions of: Suan Yong, Dave Nutter, Ann Mitchell, Norm Trigoboff, Kevin McGowan, David Ruppert, Bob McGuire, Donna Scott, Paul Anderson, Carl Steckler, Diane Morton, Melissa Groo, Graham Montgomery, Alberto Lopez, Michael Duttweiler, Mike Powers, and Marie Read!

The remainder of our meeting was dedicated to a discussion and vote on the proposed signage at Stewart Park. Rick Manning, Linda Orkin, Dave Nutter and Jane Graves have worked together over the past year. It is hoped that there will be three phases in this project (with additional panels to be placed at the “Swan Pen” and lake shore). The first phase is a sign to be placed at the boardwalk facing Renwick Wildwood. A full-size draft was displayed, and Dave Nutter spoke about the areas portrayed: canopy, vines, shrubs, big tree hole-nesters, and the water edge. Rick Manning talked about the “big picture,” which includes the Cass Park trail, the waterfront and bird kiosk there, and Stewart Park. His hope is for thoughtful landscape management. There was 20% seed money set aside with the possibility that Cayuga Bird Club would be a possible resource for additional funds during this 100th Year Anniversary. The budget for Phase I is $5,000 for text, design, and installation.

Speaking to concerns, Rick Manning stated that there is a 10 year guarantee on materials with an approximate cost of $600 for panel replacement.

Various questions and comments were taken from those present:

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Richards