January 2014 Meeting Minutes

Jan. 13, 2014

President Paul Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. He thanked the cookie providers of the evening, Linda Orkin and Meg Richardson, and enlisted Cyndy and Richard Tkachuck and Lee Ann vanLeer for next month. He also welcomed newcomer, Laura Peters to the meeting.

Interesting birds encountered this past week: Ring-necked Pheasant encounter by Ann Mitchell and Dave Nutter; Short-eared Owl at Long Point being harassed by a Common Raven, which in turn was chased by a Northern Harrier. Also mentioned were the several Snowy Owls seen at various locations.

Michael O’Brien and Louise Zemaitis, Cape May Bird Observatory, will be the speakers at the next Monday night seminar at the lab, Monday, February 3, 2014 (7:30 - 9:00 pm)—“Birds, Butterflies, and More: Ten Secrets to Never Having a Slow Day in the Field.”

The next meeting of the Cayuga Bird Club will be Feb. 10 as Leo Campagna presents “Exploring the Origins of Neotropical Avian Biodiversity.”

A special report/update was given by Donna Scott on the Bell Station issue:

500 acres being considered for DEC acquirement, requiring a Lansing town board vote

concern that November vote in favor may be rescinded

info sheets available by emailing Donna

February 8 “Freezin’ For a Reason” will be a special outdoor recreation morning highlighting the possible uses of this land if it is acquired—hiking, bird walks, kayaks. Attendance limited by bus shuttle from Lansing schools; sign-up needed. Linda Orkin and Donna Scott will be leading the bird walk portion of the event.

Field trip reports were presented for the last field trips:

Bob McGuire led another impromptu trip on Jan. 12, with 18 folks along. Although it was a slightly “birdless” day, they still had a Snowy Owl on Indian Field Rd. and were treated to a fine display by a Short-eared Owl at Long Point.

Suan Yong led one of the beginner birdwalks, now co-sponsored by the bird club and the lab, on Sunday morning, Jan. 12, with 3 attending.

Next field trips will be:

Jan. 26,Leader: Bill Baker, 8am, TBD.

Feb. 8, “Freezin’ for a Reason,” Leaders: Linda Orkin, Donna Scott

Feb. 22, Leader: Ann Mitchell, 8am, 3/4 day ~along lake

Mar. 8, Leader: John Confer, 7-9:30 pm, road trip for owls

Please check website for updates and details.

President Paul Anderson reported on an opening for the leader of the membership committee. Responsibilities would be: recruiting/welcoming new members; creating a membership packet; “meet & greet” at meetings (aka pleasant personality). Anyone interested should talk to Paul.

Colleen Richards read the bird list of the Cayuga Basin. 

The “Share Your Photos” slideshow was once again put together by Kevin McGowan.

Contributors were: Bob Horn, Ann Marie Johnson, Robyn Bailey, Andre LaClair, Bob McGuire, Diane Morton, Carl Steckler, Richard Tkachuck, Suan Yong, Hollie Sutherland, David Ruppert, Paul Anderson, and Rick Lightbody. The grand finale of “all the things that Kevin really didn’t have to show “was a fitting ending to an enjoyable evening. 

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Richards