February 2014 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Cayuga Bird Club Meeting

Feb. 10, 2014

President Paul Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. He thanked Lee Ann van Leer and Cyndy and Richard Tkachuck for bringing cookies. Colleen Richards and Becky Hansen will bring them next time.

Recent interesting bird sightings included Bald Eagles, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, and Purple Finches. 

Donna Scott told of a gathering entitled “Freezin for a Reason” which included hikes to introduce people to Bell Station in Lansing.

Upcoming events at the lab include:

On Feb. 9, Bob McGuire led a field trip going north from Ithaca. Highlights included lLong-tailed Ducks, Snowy Owls, scoters, and Red-necked Grebe. Please consult the website for upcoming field trips.

Bob McGuire read the list of the birds of the Cayuga Basin.

The speaker for the evening was Leonardo Compagna who is a Post Doc in the Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program. His talk was entitled Exploring the Origins of Neotropical Avian Biodiversity.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen