December 2012 Meeting Minutes

President Linda Orkin called the last meeting of the year to order at 7:29. Sara Jane Hymes was thanked for bringing cookies for the evening and a cookie sign-up sheet for next month was circulated. People were reminded that there are seminars at the Lab on Monday nights.

Susan Danskin gave the membership report. Approximately 100-150 people have re-joined this year, and she is hoping that some of the others will join by year end. She said that we usually gain and lose 25-30 people per year.

Some members reported going to see the Townsend’s Solitaire which has been at Sampson State Park recently. John Confer spoke of his very successful season banding saw-whet owls. He netted over 102, 4 of which were already banded, as well as 2 screech owls. He also thanked Bob McGuire and Bob Horn for their help.

The next meeting will be on January 14 when Kevin McGowan will emcee the annual Members Share Your Photos Night.

Paul Anderson reported that there had been three field trips since the last meeting: 1) Lake Ontario led by Steve and Sue Fast, 2)Niagara Falls led by Kevin McGowan, and 3)Trip around the lake led by Gary Kohlenberg.

There are three upcoming events: 1)Mt. Pleasant on December 15 with Marie Read (check the website as it may be postponed), 2)Christmas Bird Count January on 1, 3)Cayuga Lake on January 13 with Bob McGuire.

Also check the website for a possible outing the last weekend of the year to Stewart Park. The “Share Your Patch” outings were mentioned as a low intensity way for people to get together for birding.

The Christmas Bird Count will be on January 1. It is the 113th bird count and our 50th consecutive year. Detailed information is on the website and in the newsletter. There are nine area leaders for our 15-mile count circle. An entry fee is no longer required, but a donation is requested. A compilation dinner will follow the count at 6:30 p.m. A set- up and clean-up sheet was passed around. Everyone is welcome. Linda Orkin will lead bird walks at 8:30 the next two Saturdays to show how to count the birds if people would like to learn. Cortland and Montezuma also have upcoming counts.

Linda reported that she had met with Candace Cornell and the Conservation Committee to discuss the fishing line issue. They are hoping to have tables about a clean-up at both Dryden Lake and Lansing. Donna Scott read the Cayuga Basin Checklist.

Linda introduced the night’s speaker, Sandy Podulka, from our own bird club. She shared photos and stories from her family trip to Big Bend and the Texas hill country last May. She showed pictures of birds, flowers and other vegetation, wonderful rock formations, rivers of bats, and one very large snake.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen